<p>We're reading MacBeth at school, and we need to buy a copy. Any copy is fine. Which one would you reccomend? Would you reccomend a line-by-line modern translatiton, or a one with footnotes? Could you reccomend some titles please? thanks.</p>
<p>I have read the Folger's series, which is a standard classroom text now; all series have rather extensive footnotes as the play is going along. It has some background to the whole play as well.</p>
<p>Any copy will have footnotes but I agree with kman^, the Folger's series is the best. I'd also recommend No Fear Shakespeare by Sparknotes, which includes the modern day translation, but don't read the translation unless you are really, really confused or else you'll never be able to read Shakespeare.</p>
<p>On a side note, Macbeth is definitely Shakespeare's best play (in my opinion at least) so have fun reading it.</p>