Best business school I could get into?

Currently a junior, in virginia
GPA: 3.5 unweighted
SAT: 1300
APs: AP world (3) AP US (4) AP Bio (2), plan to take AP environmental, AP Euro, AP gov and AP comp sci next year

Extra Curricular:
JV Soccer (2 Years)
Model UN (3 Years)
DECA (3 Years) (State Qualifier)
Robotics Club (1 year)
Hospital Volunteer (1 year)
Travel Club Soccer (6 years)
Soccer Referee (1 year)

I plan to go volunteer for fire rescue squad/EMT and am helping a local private school market themselves this summer. I am retaking a math class i failed so my GPA should go up, and am taking 4 APS next year, i am interested in business schools like Penn state, virginia tech and James Madison University, please let me know any other business schools that are good and i have a chance of getting in to.