Chances For Virginia Tech

Currently a junior, in state (Richmond)
GPA: 3.5 unweighted
SAT: 1300
APs: AP world (3) AP US (4) AP Bio (2), plan to take AP environmental and AP Euro next year

Extra Curricular:
JV Soccer (2 Years)
Model UN (3 Years)
DECA (3 Years) (State Qualifier)
Robotics Club (1 year)
Hospital Volunteer (1 year)
Travel Club Soccer (1 year)
Soccer Referee (1 year)

I plan to go volunteer for fire rescue squad/EMT and am helping a local private school market themselves this summer. The only problem is I have two D’s on my transcript, i’m not sure if that is really bad or not.

What major are you looking for?


You could go to your guidance counselor and ask her if other students with similar stats have been accepted. All your other stats look good but I’m not sure about the D’s. If they are in core subjects it might be a good idea to retake them in summer school and get A’s. Some schools will average the two grades together and replace the D’s’ with C+'s. A 3.5 unweighted and 1300/1600 should get you in for business otherwise. Go ask before you make other summer plans. Good luck.

D+ in Spanish 2 and Algebra 2, I plan to make up Algebra 2 this summer, but i dont know if Spanish is worth the hustle especially because i have an A in Spanish three this year, i did bad in these classes because of changing ADHD medicine throughout the school year so should i mention that to colleges when applying??
Thank you!!