<p>canadian high school student needs to know if anyone on this thread knows of best colleges in the NYC state, that offer law programs that lead to transfers to Columbia, NYU, Cornell Law grad Schools in NYC?</p>
<p>The two community colleges in California – where there must be about a hundred of them – are Santa Monica College and Pasadena City College. I’ve heard that 1-2 ranking for years and years based primarily on each of their success in admitting their graduates to top 4-year colleges like the University of California.</p>
<p>Needless to say, any “best” list is going to be pretty subjective and based on your experience with little knowledge of the thousands of other colleges. Even a ratings lists like the one above has to be based on someone’s decision to count some factors more importantly than others. Should you weigh student happiness more than rigorous academic work? Should you weigh the percentage of grades who go on to happy careers more than the percentage who get into top 4-year colleges?</p>
<p>In short, you can probably make a list of may excellent schools, but I don’t think a ranking of colleges makes the slightest sense at all.</p>
<p>What about CCs in the state of New York?</p>
<p>Kalamazoo Valley Community College has an unusually good machining and CAD / drafting courses for a CC. Excellent equipment and solid instructors.<br>
I’m at a top 10 engineering now and imo kvcc had better instruction and equipment for machining training and cad instruction.</p>
<p>[Contra</a> Costa College](<a href=“http://www.contracosta.edu%5DContra”>http://www.contracosta.edu) in San Pablo, Calif. has one of the best CC journalism programs in the country. The Advocate, its weekly student newspaper, is routinely ranked among the top five community college publications in America, and alumni are in media outlets all over the country - editing Yahoo! Sports, covering California politics, in the Yankees press box, etc.</p>
<p>Northern Virginia Community Colleges: they have articulation agreements with Virginia tech, Virginia Tech’s engineering program, UVA, William & Mary, Georgetown University, etc. Having guaranteed admissions to schools like that is just amazing.</p>
<p>Best in California would be Santa Monica College. Orange Coast College is great as well. Go Pirates.</p>
<p>Alvin Community College in Alvin, TX (near Houston), it’s one of the top 10% of Community Colleges in the US. Attended it for 2 years Although, I am leaving it, mainly because they barely give out good courses for me, they mostly bored me to death.</p>
<p>Brookdale Community College. Number ONE Associate degree college in NJ :)</p>
<p>How about Harrisburg Area Community College-----Penn state? Is it a good community college with high transfer rates to good universities? Which campus is the best (Harrisburg, Gettysburg, Lebanon, Lencaster or York)?</p>
<p>One big thing is whatever college you attend,
Do your absolute best and get an excellent gpa. That’s more important than any school you choose</p>
<p>Which NYC CCs are you referring to? I’m keen on NYC !</p>
<p>I’ve heard the Chicago CCs are terrible. I did go to Wilbur Wright of the Chicago CCs and absolutely hated close to everything about it. I didn’t feel like it was challenging nor was I getting where I wanted to out of it. Just my opinion, wouldn’t recommend Chicago CCs to anyone. They do actually have a very poor transfer rate as well, all under 50%, Wilbur Wright as low as like 20%.</p>
<p>Sent from my Comet using CC</p>