<p>Hey this is my first post on CC, first of all, so if I mess up let me know(idk what i would mess up though lol)</p>
<p>So I am a high school junior thinking about college. I want to be a politician when i grow up, therefore I would like to go to a good poly sci and IR school, I have essentially narrowed it down to:</p>
<p>Georgetown, Princeton, Harvard
and more of plan B: Notre Dame and Columbia</p>
<p>Should I add more schools to this list? IR and poly sci are of equal importance for me. I am Catholic and would prefer to attend a catholic university. I would really like to study abroad. I am probably going to go to graduate school after undergrad. </p>
<p>So which university (above or not) would best help me to become ready for a political life?</p>
<p>Also, since these schools aren't easy to get into, my info is below (some of the stuff, like National Merit Finalist havent I havent been awarded yet, but I can assume I will get it b/c of my current score of 206, which is good enough for my state)</p>
<p>National Merit Finalist (PSAT score of 206)
ACT: 32
SAT: CR: 760, Math: 670, Writing: 580 although i am about to get my new scores back
Will graduate top 5 in class of 450 with 4.0 GPA UW, and 4.3 W
President of National Honor Society
Parliamentarian in Skills USA(basically a drafting club at my school)
Will be some officer in DECA (business club)
Will be some officer in local board sponsored by a local bank (decently prestigious)
Will attend 4 week state sponsored "Governors School" (not politically orientated despite its name, but will "study" social studies while I'm there)
Will attend Boys State
Hopefully attend Boys Nation
Won State Geometry competition
Won State Deca competition in Business Law and Ethics event
Hopefully will start a debate club/politics club at my school next year
Hopefully will volunteer this summer a lot for congressional candidate's campaign
Small group leader, among other things at my church
100+ hours of community service (30 outside church)
Winner of local oratorical scholarship competitions
Will have 4's and 5's on five AP exams</p>
<p>Thats most of what I have, but if there are any areas lacking, please let me know.</p>
<p>Sorry this post is so long, but I have read other ppl's posts on CC and learned a whole lot.</p>
<p>Thanks if anyone can offer me any advice/ info.</p>