<p>Would anyone like to recommend a good computer for an Engineering Student. We are talking laptop/notebook, not desktop. What processor is recommended. I would like to go Mac, but can also get deals on Dell and Thinkpads....</p>
<p>Really, anything should do, as most of what you’ll use it for won’t be very intensive, and there are computers available on campus to do more advanced stuff.</p>
<p>However, if you want to run some applications on your own computer, say Pro-E, you’ll want something with more power.</p>
<p>Macs are tougher for engineering…I don’t believe you can run Matlab on a Mac…but you can certainly do a dual boot as well.</p>
<p>Engineering son has PC’s. He got a new, smaller laptop this past year and again opted for a PC over Mac (and he is a real computerphile). His brother went from a Dell to Mac and loves it (Non-UB, Non-engin student!)</p>
<p>It doesn’t matter. I built my own PC. Have gone without PCs, have used laptops…</p>