Best CS Undergrad colleges

You are instate. Has to count for something. I am sure instate numbers for cutoffs etc are published somewhere

But there is lot of competition for in state too. Every kid has good stats and is aspiring CS at UW Seattle here.

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UW Seattle in-state is not easy for CS, but still an easier admit than UIUC and GT OOS. The published rate for fall 2021 was 27% which is pretty good, considering. Probably more difficult now, but you will still have a huge advantage being in-state. Freshmen by the numbers | Office of Admissions


Was it 27% for CS direct admit ?

Seems to be 20-25%

If you canā€™t get into UW instate, you wonā€™t get into any of the competitive OOS schools.

Yes, click the link and scroll to the bottom of the page. That was in state CS / CE direct to major, fall 2021.

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last year I saw in state kids not getting CS at UW but in UIUC and Purdue.

I am shocked. Must be some wrinkle in the situation. At least for UIUC this seems difficult to imagine. Because this is a much beloved school for California kids.

In highly competitive programs that are a reach for everyone, this kind of thing can happen. We also see kids in CA sometimes that get into UCB and none of the ā€œmid tierā€ UCs for example.

But you still have a better chance in state. You are essentially competing with all the high stat CS hopefuls in WA for this admit, rather than all the high stat CS hopefuls all over the country who apply to UIUC and GT for their OOS spots.


WSU will likely be the cheapest. ASU has Barrett. It has a great reputation, if you get in. Of those though, Iā€™d probably pick Oregon State. They didnā€™t offer WUE for CS and engineering prior to COVID. Thereā€™s no way to know how long it will be that way, but prior to the pandemic they had high enough demand from out of state that they could charge full price. Their top 4 employers according to LinkedIn are Intel, Microsoft, Amazon and Google.

At the end of the day, your GPA and experience will trump the school name printed on your diploma.

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My son would pick Oregon State too, but he just likes that school a lot. Fell in love with it on the tour. Depends what you are looking forā€¦

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I have nothing to add materially to this discussion, but this is the best disclaimer on college ranking that I have ever seen! Well said!


On the other handā€¦ at the risk of posting too much, I will also note that one reason certain kids might not be admitted to CS at UW, but would be admitted to UIUC and other schools, is that UW isnā€™t looking at your SAT. Most OOS schools will see your high SAT (not the UCs though). Did these kids have great test scores like you do?

You will just have to see where you get in. Good luck!


Thereā€™s no true answer to the question.

The top 25 is different for everyone - and for every school not in the top 25, Iā€™m sure there are kids who are doing better than kids in the top 25.

As for GTech and UIUC - you had to know going in rejection was likely. Not that youā€™re not great but that itā€™s likely.

If you want a big school experience, then eliminate UW Bothell. If you donā€™t care, itā€™s different.

You canā€™t go wrong with any you mentioned and certainly not OSU, ASU, and WSU - and youā€™ll find kids that are just as qualified as you.

Thereā€™s no rank - the rank is you visit these schools which are all different btw - and you see where you feel most comfortable.

As for internships - it doesnā€™t matter where you go. You will find one (and they can help you). They donā€™t give you internships. Thatā€™s a misleading thought.

You are overplaying the rank thing here.

You applied to a wide swatch and hopefully one fits you - since youā€™ll be there four years, day after day. The pedigree you are panicked about is meaningless the minute you step foot on campus.


Why would you pick OSU over others?

We have planned to tour it in February. What did he like the most there?

I agree thats why after rejection from UIUC I am more apprehensive in getting cs at UW. my SAT score was my selling point, thats what I thought earlier.

Is he is senior too this year?

As I said, they offer WUE now and they usually donā€™t and their top 4 employers for CS grads are strong. Plus, I like the campus. ASU and WSU wouldnā€™t be that different in placement though. Whatā€™s important isnā€™t what I like, but what you like. Have you visited any of them?


Planning to visit OSU this month. Have not visited any other. ASU has also given me same amount of scholarship though they donā€™t give WUE for CS either.

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