<p>Since you’re looking into jobs and majors and whatnot, you may consider taking a look at the Occupational Outloook Handbook at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website.</p>
<p>You can look up Computer Hardware Engineering, Software Engineer, Electrical Engineer, and all related fields and check the job outlooks, the salary information, etc.</p>
<p>If you do go into Comp.Eng. then software would be a good field to go into, rather than Comp.Eng. Lifted from the handbook:</p>
<p>“Computer hardware engineers are expected to have 5 percent employment growth over the projections decade, slower than the average for all occupations. Although the use of information technology continues to expand rapidly, the manufacture of computer hardware is expected to be adversely affected by intense foreign competition. As computer and semiconductor manufacturers contract out more of their engineering needs to both domestic and foreign design firms, much of the growth in employment of hardware engineers is expected in the computer systems design and related services industry.”</p>
<p>Compare this to what it says for Software:
“Job prospects should be excellent, as computer software engineers are expected to be among the fastest-growing occupations through the year 2016.”</p>
<p>Also, a quick search returned this very helpful and informative comparison:</p>
<p>[Computer</a> Science vs. Computer Engineering](<a href=“http://www.eng.buffalo.edu/compscie_vs_compeng.php]Computer”>Undergraduate Degree Programs - UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences - University at Buffalo)</p>
<p>It basically says what I said, but a little more in detail.</p>
<p>At my school, here’s the list of in-major courses for both majors (my school also has a Software Engineering major, which I will also include).</p>
<p>Introduction to Computing I (programming w/ Java)
Introduction to Computing II (programming w/ Java)
Software Construction (programming w/ C++)
Programming Languages
Discrete Mathematics
Computer Organization (and Assembly language programming)
Operating Systems
Software Modeling (using UML)
Formal Languages
AI systems
2 Computer Electives</p>
<p>Introduction to Computing I (programming w/ Java)
Introduction to Computing II (programming w/ Java)
Software Construction (programming w/ C++)
Programming Languages
Discrete Mathematics
Computer Organization (and Assembly language programming)
Operating Systems
Software Modeling (using UML)
Computer Architecture
AI systems
Software Process (available as elective in CS)
Software Quality Assurance (available as elective in CS)
2 Computer Electives</p>
<p>Introduction to Computing I (programming w/ Java)
Introduction to Computing II (programming w/ Java)
Software Construction (programming w/ C++)
2 EE labs
Electric Circuit Analysis
Linear Systems and Signals Analysis
Digital Electronics
Digitial Logic Circuits
Computer Systems (from an EE perspective)
Discrete Mathematics
Operating Systems
Computer Systems Design Lab
Analog Electronics
Digital System Design
Random Signals and Systems
Computer Architecture and Design
Information Communication</p>
<p>Just an observation… CS is almost identical to SE curriculum as far as major requirements are concerned, CE almost identical to EE (not shown).</p>
You’re an educated and bright individual. You can take this information and use it to make your decision. Good luck!</p>