I’m a high school senior, and I’d like to major in aerospace engineering. The salary is there, but I’m unsure of the job opportunities, especially in NYC where I’d really like to work in the future. I have a passion for spaceflight, but I was just wondering what other engineering majors may be suitable for me?
It’s true that NYC is unlikely to be a spaceport anytime in the near future.
Short of that they likely need:
Systems Engineers
Planning Engineers
Traffic Engineers
Civil Engineers
Architectural/structural would be a good choice as well. Engineering firms are not big on major cities (at least, not for their actual engineering staff!), so if you are intent on working there your options are going to be quite limited - most engineering firms prefer to work outside major cities.
CS would be a good major for NYC. I also know a number of EEs who work in NYC, although many aren’t doing typical EE jobs.
Look, the beauty of engineering is that you can get a degree and go into a completely different field. Of the engineers I know, I don’ think a single one works in the field they studied in college. I know aero majors in computer science, civil who work in marine engineering, and a mechanical who worked for a bank. You will NOT have doors closed on you if you leave college with a decent GPA and an engineering degree from a reasonably respectable school. Big firms hire engineers of all types, and are less concerned about your specific major and more concerned about things like initiative/work ethic/experience/general aptitude. You may not get both aerospace and NYC, but whichever you choose you can have. It’s the beauty of engineering.