Just got admitted to Johns Hopkins, Brown university and Tuffs engineering programs and waitlisted at Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, Harvey Mud and Harvard. I am very tempted by Johns Hopkins (vs Brown & Tuffs) but wonder which waitlisted school I should focus my attention to. Harvard has the prestige name and Ivy league statuts. Carnegie, Cornell and Harvey Mud (not sure about it since I live on the east coast) are obviously great engineering schools. Any help would be really great. Thanks
Which field of engineering?
Of those, Cornell, Harvey Mudd and CMU are the most well respected for engineering.
Harvard is not known for its engineering, and they’ve been trying to up their game as they only received ABET accreditation for their ME dept last year.
I assume that I am right in applying to Johns Hopkins as my confirmed acceptance… If I don’t get in Cornell, Harvey Mud or CMU.
I graduated from JHU in Mech E and turned down Cornell and Berkeley a few years back. It’s definitely comparable.