Best HS science selection for a science major in college

If he’s already done Calc BC in junior year and done well, then doing MVC and Physics C in senior year would make most sense. He already has a chemistry course so I don’t see AP Chem as necessary, and MVC + Physics C is plenty of rigor and time commitment. Physics 1 is going backwards in rigor, as would be the case with AP stats after Calc BC.

1° Biology is one of the lowest ROI majors. Too many of them, not enough jobs for a Biology BS, plus all the premeds who don’t get into med school. Could he get interested in other subjects? Bioinformatics or Biostatistics involves Bio and since he’s advanced at math may be relevant. Look at all sorts of majors, including in the College of Agriculture, or Biological Anthropology (not more employable than straight Biology but at least there are way fewer of them and he can pivot to forensic science or anthropology) or Psychobiology/Cognitive Science (same as above, but with Psychology).
2° Then my recommendation would be AP Chem junior year, Honors Physics or AP Physics1+AP Bio senior year.
AP Chem is one of the hardest AP’s though. What’s the rest of his schedule like and what are his sequences in English, Math, Social Science/History, and Foreign Language?
If he’s not interested in Engineering, then Physics C is not necessary (nor is it useful, since he’ll take Algebra-based Physics in College, ie., AP Physics 1&2. Honors Physics covers the same topics as 1&2 but with much less depth.)

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What colleges is your son considering? If it’s the most selective ones, he will need a couple of APs in non-stem subjects, so it would be good to know that as well. Recommending AP Bio and BC Calc by itself is one thing, recommending it knowing if APUSH and APLAC are also being taken, is another.

Thank you. That’s what we did. Phys 1 + CalcBC in 11th, Phys C + MVC + AP Chem in 12th. Decided not to take College A&P since he’s not doing pre-med.

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He does have a few non-STEM AP’s on his roster as well, thank you.

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