<p>What are the top 4 IVY LEAGUE's for someone interested in business? (undergraduate)</p>

<p>What is with this obsession with the Ivy League? Yes, they're some of the best but not all of the best. Why not just ask for the top 4 overall? It makes so much more sense.</p>

<p>fine....What are the top 3 IVY LEAGUE's or any college for someone interested in business? (undergraduate)</p>

<p>Top 3 for business (this was in US news or one of those rankings) are:
not in any order
UPenn's Wharton
NYU's Stern
MIT's Sloan</p>

<p>the top according to usnews.
upenn's wharton
mit's sloan
berkeley's haas
michigan ann arbor</p>

<p>Bestmiler, If you are looking for the Top 4 Ivy League UNDERGRADUATE programs, you will never find them. Suggest you do some research on the web and find out why. After all, this is a basic part of the college search process. It's about time you learn a bit more about the colleges you hope to enroll some day.</p>

<p>Jangel86, If we are gonna quote US News, let's at least be accurate. For UG business, it is:
1) U Penn (Wharton)
2) MIT (Sloan)
3) UCB (Haas) and U Mich (Ross)
4) NYU (Stern)</p>

<p>Berkeley and Michigan have been #2 and #3 on the US News ranking for the last few years. I'm amused how the State U's often slip from ppl's memory (something Freudian?).</p>

<p>Cornell is the BEST out of all the Ivy League schools!</p>

<p>Cornell'a College of Agriculture and Life Sciences offers an applied economics major that is a great undergraduate business degree. If you are a New Yorker, it is the best deal in public education.</p>

<p>by far wharton is the best undergraduate business program.
-the academic level is top notch (although some schools compare here)
-the network is unmatched
-recruiting is ridiculous
I'm a student there and I've already gone to Citigroup headquarters in NY for two functions (at one it was MBA students from Wharton, Harvard, Yale, NYU, Columbia, and Northwestern, and Wharton UNDERGRADS we were the only UG there), i've been taken out for dinner by 3 fortune 500 recruiters, 2 ibanks, and I've gone for drinks with goldman sachs recruiters who were former wharton students. I've gone to dinner at Warren Buffet's house, and have met at least 10 CEOs. AND I'M ONLY A FRESHMAN!</p>

<p>NO OTHER UNDERGRAD PROGRAM offers such a well rounded business education. Wharton had the academics, the social life, the recruiting, the network, and just an outstanding group of students.</p>

<p>Only two Ivy League offer Business studies to undergrads. Penn and Cornell. Cornell, although decent in Business, does not make the top 10 list of undergraduate Business programs. </p>

<p>If I were very serious about an undergraduate Business education, I would look at the following schools:</p>

<h1>1 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)</h1>

<h1>2 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (Ross)</h1>

<h1>3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)</h1>

<h1>4 University of California-Berkeley (Haas)</h1>

<h1>5 New York University (Stern)</h1>

<h1>6 University of Virginia (McIntire)</h1>

<h1>7 Carnegie Mellon University</h1>

<h1>8 University of Texas-Austin (McCombs)</h1>

<h1>9 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)</h1>

<p>Other top Business programs:
Cornell University
Emory University
Georgetown University
Indiana University-Bloomington
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
University of Notre Dame
Washington University</p>

<p>bern, i'm am MOST jealous of you. it's my dream to go to upenn. doubt i'll make it to their undergrad tho. :'(</p>

<p>"I've gone for drinks with goldman sachs recruiters who were former wharton students"</p>

<p>I hope those were non-alcoholic drinks ;)</p>

<p>oh they were alcoholic. :)</p>

<p>Consider these to be the first-tier in overall business:
University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
Northwestern U (Kellogg)
Bringham Young (Marriott)
Babson College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
Indiana University-Bloomington (Kelly)
University of California-Berkeley (Haas)
New York University (Stern)
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (Ross)
Carnegie Mellon University
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)
University of Texas-Austin (McCombs)
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
U of Pittsburgh (Katz)</p>

<p>Keep in mind that you do not need to major in business if you want to go into business. Economics majors at Ivies and top universities do just as well in job placement with a major in economics. Buffett went to Wharton as an undergrad and wasn't too impressed so he transferred to U of Nebraska and went to Columbia for grad school in economics. I think that itÂ’s awesome that Bern ate dinner at Buffett's house though.</p>

<p>Bern how'd you meet all these people?</p>