Best Movie You've Ever Seen

<p>Figured we should try the other end of the spectrum also - </p>

<p>I find it difficult to list only 1 movie - obviously Rudy is my all-time favorite, but I'm also a big Remember the Titans fan as well. As far as comedy goes, Road Trip is a favorite</p>

<p>Best Overall: Saving Private Ryan
Funniest Movie: Old School
Best Sports Movie: Rudy</p>

<p>Best Overall: Life Is Beautiful (Italian)
Sports: Coach Carter</p>

<p>"Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins" - hands down greatest movie ever.</p>

<p>Hotel Rwanda, Life is Beautiful, Truman Show... I have a pretty long list :)</p>

<p>I like The Shawshank Redemption, About a Boy, and E.T. I recommend Life is Beautiful as well.</p>

<p>Crash, Ocean's 12, and the Usual Suspects.</p>

<p>Dawn of the Dead (2002) - even though it was idiotic, there was stuff blowing up left and right, and zombies getting shot. That equals quality theatrics in my book.</p>

<p>Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Stripes, Shawshank Redemption, Good Will Hunting, and many many many more.</p>