<p>So I got a lot of interesting responses on the worst people names thread :p What do you guys think are the best names? I guess I prefer more traditional "boring" names myself</p>
<p>Men: William or James</p>
<p>Women: maybe Katherine, Madeline, Lauren, Nicole, Victoria</p>
<p>And what do you think of unusual "ethnic" (non-anglo) names? Would you ever give your kid one knowing he'll always have to spell it out or repeat? Is it worth being unique? My parents gave us traditional Islamic names but mine is easy to say, whereas my sister's is harder and she hates it, often has to spell it out.</p>
<p>I think the vice president of Nigeria has a pretty awesome name: Goodluck Jonathan. And his wife’s name is Patience. Goodluck and Patience Jonathan.</p>
<p>yay Nigerians!!! a lot of us are named after days of the week.
I know a ton of Fridays and Sundays – thankfully I’m not one of them.</p>
<p>males - i second Matthew, and I like Henry, Michael, Alex and Adrian</p>
<p>females - Caitlin, Lauren, Valerie, Amanda, Christina/Christine, Elizabeth, Alexandra (allie or alex for short). </p>
<p>As far as unusual names, some sound ridiculous, and I wouldn’t name my kid Apple.
I personally dislike a lot of names that start with La and end with “equa” or “eesha” which are typically african-american. Sorry if that sounds biased, it’s just those names don’t appeal to me, not the people. I know a LaMischa and that’s not bad, but I’ve also met a LaRawlischa. For me being unique isn’t worth it if it sounds ugly or is too hard to say.</p>
<p>@Oracle - Goodluck Jonathan is awesome!</p>
<p>Wo0t! My name’s Matthew. Sexy, no?</p>
<p>^ just read what you wrote on the gun thread…you’re smart and have a sexy name and are libertarian…nice combo 
i like you even though you’re from New Jersey</p>
<p>Jeeze, way to shortchange me. I’m funny too!</p>
<p>And I’m not actually from NJ, I’m from a place they call… Heaven</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.ycvf.org/images/email/heart_of_Jesus.jpg[/url]”>http://www.ycvf.org/images/email/heart_of_Jesus.jpg</a></p>
<p>^Swear to Jesus, that’s me</p>
<p>Males-Jonathan, Michael, Richard, Edward, etc.</p>
<p>Females: Lorelai (yes I got it from Gilmore Girls, but I think it’s such a beautiful name), Beckah, Faith, Suzanne.</p>
<p>i think goldaline is a gorgeous name for a girl but i am a hipster creep</p>
<p>^ some names sound awesome but I would never name my kids those names, like Gwendolyn or Adelaide. </p>
<p>I think Molly is an ugly name, so plain and something a little girl would name her doll. I don’t know why i picked it as a username lol.</p>
<p>Anna. I like the name Winston for a boy. But only a boy puppy.</p>
<p>I like old-fashioned names like Renee, Maria and Elizabeth, and foreign-sounding names like Alexandra, Zuleikha and Naomi.</p>
<p>I really like the name Bethany :).</p>
<p>I like names like Nadine and Zarah.</p>
<p>Well may not be answering the question, but I like my name Christopher, and spoken of by many as Chris.</p>
<p>My future daughter will be name Ashley. future son named Ashton.
If my wife doesn’t like it, then sucks for her. :)</p>