I hope to be a film director in the future, but have no intentions of majoring in film (for the sake of money and my parents’ mental health). I’ll most likely be majoring in business which, while somewhat depressing, isn’t entirely soul-draining as an idea. However, I was just wondering if anyone had any information as to what kind of business major (finance, accounting, etc) would be best suited do a career in film? Or if any other major would suit it? I do plan on minoring in film studies.
Thank you.
Perhaps Entrepreneurship? Something creative. Usually business majors are very analytical but you want something where you are responsible for putting together a new idea (that can sell). If that’s not possible, then take as many classes in that area as you can.
Other majors you might consider would include something in the social sciences (criminology, psychology, history) or perhaps creative writing/literature. Or even philosophy. A lot depends on what types of films you like to make (character studies? Epics? Fantasy?). Let your interests drive your decision.
Film makers need lots of exposure to other things to help keep their stories interesting. And a good film maker will find great source material in the most mundane of environments (because he/she sees what others can’t). Even finance and accounting can provide some great ideas and characters. The film dept. doesn’t hold a monopoly on those.
Good luck!
Go big or go home. Unless you have a nepotistic connection to the film industry, your success is tied to your connections you build on set through film school or bootstrap through other connections. You don’t need to be a film major, but you need a connection to the industry, with or without a film degree. Top flight film schools give you that opportunity, with absolutely no guarantees. No argument with Mamelot, really your major doesn’t matter, it’s the connections you build within the film culture of yout school.
You make a good point. But I suppose I could still make connections through a minor, or other film-based classes and workshops, right?
Thank you so much!!! What you said made a lot of sense, and kind of inspired me, if I’m honest. I’ll definitely look into entrepreneurship.