Best parts about Bama?

Bama students, what are your favorite parts about your school and Tuscaloosa/the surrounding area?

This forum has about 95% parents posting (maybe higher). I’m not sure that you’re going to get any student responses.

SEA_Tide sometimes posts, but he graduated two years ago.

We can answer some of your questions. What do you want to know?

I’m a current student! There are so many great things about Tuscaloosa and the university. It’s pretty hard to just list them. But one thing that sticks out for me is how accommodating and friendly everyone is. I feel like everyone goes out of their way to help you if you ask. Southern hospitality is by far one of my favorite things about the area. Yes there are some people who aren’t nice and won’t help you out. But in general I feel like it’s a small community helping each other. A couple examples…

The dining halls were originally very stubborn but once I found the right people to talk to they helped me with providing food I could eat despite my food allergies. They were very accommodating once I talked to the managers.

The network of parents and students who try to help out their classmates when they are struggling. I often see students are stranded at the airport due to a delayed flight or their ride cancelled. Parents and students try their very best to help them out by providing rides or lodging.

The faculty are also very nice and helpful. Many of the faculty I’ve spoken with try to encourage their students and help them out. I remember one professor even gave a student a ride home because their car wouldn’t start.

I know not everyone fits this but I feel like in general southern hospitality is a thing. It’s amazing how even at such a large state university we have such a small community feel.

Thanks, I have heard southern hospitality is prevalent on campus. It’s good to have a students opinion. As far as what I was looking for in the way of questions, I am looking at attending UA and I was curious about the things that make UA special. I was just hoping to find some information/opinions of people with personal experience who have things to share that aren’t just the generic admissions office list of what makes Alabama special. Anything that sticks out in your mind would be great to hear.

Of all the universities I’ve interacted with over the years, UA has made the most effort to provide the best customer service and overall experience. Going above and beyond to help someone is all in a day’s work for those who work at UA. Most of the times I’ve contacted other colleges with a question, usually about something that is not on their website or which the website specifically directs people to call a specific office, the person who picks up the phone will state that the question is not part of their job and to check the website. At UA, if the person can’t answer your question, they call or forward your email to someone who can. Everyone at UA wants to see students succeed, even if it means getting someone higher up to approve a change.

Also, unlike many schools, UA keeps revising its polices to become more student-friendly. Any budget cuts are generally not to be directly felt by the students.

Most importantly, there is a lot of school spirit for UA not just in Alabama, but around the world. Once you begin your studies at UA, you are a part of the UA family for the rest of your life.