Best PsyD programs in Texas?

Hi Y’all! I am currently looking into PsyD programs in Texas. I plan to go to Texas A&M University and major in psychology. (currently a high school senior) I want to go the clinical psychology route, but I am having trouble finding any info on schools that offer a PsyD. Also, I have read that you need a masters in the psychology field to get into a PsyD program. Any recommendations on schools for a masters and what masters I should get specifically? I’d really appreciate the help. :slight_smile:

In this forum (Graduate School topic), there is a post on Clinical Psychology that you should definitely look at. Answers some of your questions, and there is a post of acceptance rates that lists a lot of programs so you can find some PsyDs in there (not sure if there are any in TX).


Head over to the APA website, where you’ll be able to filter the APA Accredited Programs by State, discipline (e.g. Clinical Psychology), degree (Master, PsyD, PhD).

The only match in TX I found was Baylor, Waco, so technically they are “the best” :wink:

But with less than 80 programs in the country, it’s not practical anyway to limit yourself geographically!

No - not at all.

The cohort size of most programs is typically small (around 20), to allow for all candidates to be placed in quality internships and practicum for their clinical training, while being mentored properly by the faculty.

So it is very common, almost expected, for college graduates to first have to work in the field, demonstrating commitment to the profession for a few years, possibly taking some pre-requisite classes and repeatedly applying each year to 10 or so programs.

In an ideal scenario, your GRE score will be good enough for the cut-off, you managed to secure two years of increasingly relevant internships in the field during junior and senior year in college (maybe as a research assistant at some University, or maybe part of a long-term study conducted by a mental health institution, or in a professional practice), managed to take all the classes that the programs have as entry-requirements - and get exceptional grades in the classes for your major. Then you have at least a small (single-digit) chance, to be accepted into a PsyD program straight out of college.

Specifically: My daughter is only one of two from among about 20 in her program who were able to make all the pieces fit. As expected, everyone else had applied repeatedly - making her clearly the youngest.

PS - Psy.D. FAQs | Psychology & Neuroscience | Baylor University

Covers acceptance rates and most other questions.
Overall, it all seems in line with what I’ve seen in the few other programs that we had looked into, except that the program looks to be on the smaller end of the scale.