I’m looking for information/opinions about the best SUNY geology programs. Does anybody have information on which schools have the most geology graduates?
You can find that information at the US Dept of Ed College Navigator:
Enter school name (or search by SUNY or NY state, etc, for a list of schools)
On each schools page is a ‘Programs/Majors’ tab. This shows how many degrees conferred in each major. Currently showing 2014 data I believe. A lot of other good information there as well.
Thank you
You’re welcome.
Also note that you can search by Program/major: if you select ‘Browse for Programs’ on left side-bar, you can select specific majors you are interested in; by selecting only certain states of interest (using dropdown or map) you will get a list of schools with those majors in the state(s) you are interested in. Then from there you can explore each one further.