<p>I was wondering if anybody can give me advice about the best way to study for the SAT from the blue book? I have a basic understanding of the sections but i get some of the questions wrong and if the blue book doesnt give an explanation for the right answer how can i improve?
am I supposed to read all of the 500 pages of the book?</p>
<p>Any advice would be welcome.</p>
<p>Also i currently got the first edition blue book. Should i buy the second edition?</p>
<p>Save the first three practice tests and start with the fourth. If you’re working on CR, do all the really short passages (the one paragraph ones with two questions) first; flip through the tests and do all of them, and by the end you should be getting them all right. Do the same for all the other types of passages (single long passage, double long passages, single very long passage, etc.). For writing do the same, going through the ‘change the error’ questions, then the ‘find the error’ questions, then the section 10s, and then the revision questions. You may want to review the grammar rules before you do the writing sections so you make maximum use of the problems. This should get you a hang of all the questions based on familiarity and repetition alone. When you’ve amassed a vocabulary you think is sufficient, do the same for the sentence completion. </p>
<p>I personally didn’t read any of the book other than the rubric for the essay questions and the basic grammar tips. Don’t know about math, just do some questions for familiarity? I also had the second edition, but I heard there wasn’t much of a difference. </p>
<p>This is just how I did it and it worked for me, so just passing information along. If you have a question about why a CR answer is what it is, it’s good to have a teacher who can answer your questions, but if not i’m pretty sure the CC community will have an answer. Feel free to PM me too
Hope this helps!</p>