Best ways to study for cumulative exams?

<p>Hi all, </p>

<p>I have my finals in about a month, and I'm having cumulative exams for the first time. (in philosophy and French) </p>

<p>I'm just wondering how everyone else has studied for cumulative exams? Do you start going over material now or not until a couple weeks before the exam? Do you totally reread the chapters or just go over your lecture notes? And for a foreign language exam, CAN you even definitively review everything you've learned? </p>


<p>If i know it’s cumulative (like my french is for example) i’ve also set time to review old notes/ points I didn’t understand well, then when it comes a few weeks before the exam I seperate what things I need more review on vs. what just needs a little review</p>

<p>Depends how the finals and papers are spaced out. Seems that once the papers are done I’ll have about a week for finals, so I’ll devote a solid day or two per class at that point. I don’t find it very helpful to study this far in advance. I just skim thru everything since it’s pretty familiar, then type up a few pages to memorize that summarize different topics, for the essay parts. </p>

<p>That will definitely work for philosophy. As for FL, I just go over vocab and grammar. Since we’ve been speaking them daily anyway, it’s actually very little preparation. It takes longer to review specific cultural topics that might be on the test.</p>