<p>I liked 8th grade. This year's been pretty awesome too.</p>
<p>How about you?</p>
<p>I liked 8th grade. This year's been pretty awesome too.</p>
<p>How about you?</p>
<p>9th. or maybe like 6th?</p>
Last year I can officially call myself “a kid.” Last year I live @ home with parents. Last year at high school…
You knowlike, I feel old enough to know better than this but I’m still a little too young to care too much about it?
I feel like once I go to college and start living on my own, I’m gonna have to learn “responsibilty.”</p>
<p>The second half of my eighth grade year was really good. The first half sucked. The second half of my sophomore year was cool too. Can I put those together to form one year?</p>
<p>Freshman year was pretty legit.</p>
<p>Next year
<p>Probably the past year. Childhood sucked because of parents; middle and high school years sucked because of peer pressure/social expectations. The past year, I’ve more or less evaded both. :)</p>
<p>4th grade was the best</p>
<p>Any grade that includes recess is win. ^^</p>
<p>8th grade, hands down. Finally found myself. But then high school + split from friends = no friends, just acquaintances wahhh :'(</p>
<p>this year. 9th. ftw.</p>
<p>7th and 8th grades.
Best years of my life.</p>
<p>And I think the life ahead will only be tougher.</p>
<p>8th was a good year
this year (12th) is alright.</p>