BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Okay, I’m sure that would be fine then, as long as you do get to perform. Does anyone know about how many people audition, compared to other schools?

No idea, @kgg1997, and I doubt there is any really accurate comparison. Many students target certain geographic areas or certain types of programs. When my D made her list of schools to apply to, she included only schools in the greater New York area (a risky move - we had many anxious moments - but it paid off). She also wanted a college as opposed to a conservatory. Some schools have a greater emphasis on dance; others emphasize acting. Cost is also a concern – everybody seems to apply to NYU; those that get in then worry where the money will come from, because NYU is very expensive but is notoriously stingy with financial aid (I ought to know…my non-MT D graduated from NYU in 2014). The application and selection process is difficult for both the students and the schools. They screen us, but we have to screen them, too!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Ricky Oliver here! I hope this finds everyone having a tremendous Holiday Season! CAP21 is just about to finish the fall semester, and the faculty and staff are all in the midst sitting in on the student’s final showings and demos. Its an exciting way finish up a fantastic semester here in New York!

@EastchesterMom, once again, you are so wonderful to speak to your D’s training and her growth as a performer!! I’m so happy you guys are pleased!!! These forums are such a valuable commodity for potential applicants and their families, and you are truly generous to offer up your “Mom Perspective” so that they can gain further insight into just how unique this program is!


@kgg1997, we accept sections of 16 into the BFA Program. Now, whether we take two sections of 16, one, or THREE, simply depends on the tremendous talent we receive in our applicant pool. It truly varies from yesr-to-year. I wish there was a magic equation for the way our classes are formed, but there are so many variables that go into selecting a BFA class in a given year. CAP21 prides itself on building ensembles that are not only cohesive “cohorts”, but talented, smart, passionate, curious, driven, and DELIGHTFUL human beings. If that describes you, then you better believe that you’ve found the right school!

I hope this helps, Friends.

Again, On behalf of the entire CAP21 Family, I’d like to wish you a very Happy Holiday Season!

-Ricky Oliver
Director of Admissions, CAP21

Thank you for rescuing me once again, Ricky! I know you are super-busy with auditions right now!

Okay, I was just wondering what my chances were haha. But I’m glad she’s enjoying it and thanks for the info!

Thanks Ricky! It’s nice to know that the amount accepted does vary! Happy holidays to you too! :slight_smile:

@kgg1997 - I hope that if you are accepted you will join us!

It’s my first choice, fingers crossed!!

I’m so glad to hear that… Fingers crossed indeed! Please let me know.

I was accepted and will most likely be attending for the class of 2020!!! I’m super excited!! Just wanted to share that Molloy recently updated their catalog, so you can see the BFA course requirements!

Congrats, @EmilyChristine! Welcome!

Thank you @EastchesterMom!!! :slight_smile:

Yay, @EmilyChristine! Me too! Hope to see you there! :slight_smile:

Way to go, @kgg1997 ! Welcome!

Thank you!!

Hi there! So I just found out I’ve been accepted to Molloy/Cap 21 BFA program/the two year professional program. Would you all say that it’s a really good program? I kind of lost my confidence this audition season. I didn’t get in to AMDA or TCU. I just wanna make sure this is something to be happy and excited about. I love musical theatre so much. Any insights or tips would be lovely. And thank you

Let me also clarify I am very excited that I have been accepted!!!

@broadwayboy223 – Congrats! Did you get into the 4-year Molloy/CAP 21 program, or the 2-year professional program that is just CAP 21, or both? I can tell you that the 4-year program is a definite grand slam for you; you will love it! The only thing I know about the 2-year professional program is (1) no college degree, (2) the same training as the 4-year CAP 21 training, only accelerated into 2 years. If you want the college degree and want the best MT training in the world, take the 4-year; if you’re in a hurry, don’t care about the college degree and want the best MT training in the world, take the 2-year. Either way, it’s a win, and congrats again!

I know all about losing confidence during the audition season, which is hell on earth…the same thing happened to my D. I bless the day we discovered Molloy/CAP 21…my D is happy, doing well, and progressing artistically and academically. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…IT ALL WORKS OUT FOR THE BEST IN THE END!

@EastchesterMom From what I can tell I was accepted into the four year and the two year. I’m leaning towards the four year so I can get my degree. Thanks so much for your input! I’m very excited something good finally happened.

Certainly contact Ricky Oliver at CAP 21 and nail it down… and yes, something great just happened!