Cap21 BFA in Musical Theater at Molloy College

<p>Cap21 is now partnered with Molloy College in Long Island for a Musical Theater BFA. Can that be added to the Musical Theater Colleges list above? Here’s the info: <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>You might want to contact @collegemom directly. I think she is moderator for this entire forum.</p>

<p>Thank you! I will message her!</p>

<p>Hi, I tried to add Molloy/CAP21 to the “Big List of MT Colleges”…actually, to the TWO threads we have pinned at the top that lists the programs by state and by type. Problem is, when I went to edit/add to the post, it said there were way too many characters. There appears to be a character limit now. In order to preserve what was already on the list, I had to click “cancel.” This must be due to the changeover in CC’s format, as this was not the case in the past. I will ask the forum administrator if there is any option to lengthen the post to keep the list up to date. I can’t do anything more than that and we will have to see. </p>

<p>At the same time, I will ask AGAIN (about my third try) if there is a way to return the yellow dot indicators (or something like them) to the individual specific MT program sub forums when new posts appear, because without these (as we had on the old CC format), it is too cumbersome to open all the school forums to find new posts and so I no longer check or read them, and many others have said the same. I will remind them again that this is a drawback to using the school specific forums, which is a shame. </p>


<p>Thank you! That’s frustrating that there’s a character limit!</p>

<p>While you wait for that to be added, there is a poster from last year whose D is a freshman there. From her initial posts, I think she loves it. And I’m sure she’d be happy to answer any questions you have if she is still on here. @EastchesterMom‌ - any updates from Cap 21/Molloy?</p>

<p>My D is indeed a freshman there. She is working HARD, but she loves it! You should hear her play the piano after only 8 weeks of lessons (they learn – or continue, as the case may be – piano at Molloy/CAP21). CAP21 monitors these posts and has been very helpful in answering questions as well…my D is living it but they set it up! I’m sure that between us we can answer any question you have. Good luck with the upcoming audition season (a brutal right of passage I’m thrilled never to have to experience again)!</p>

<p>That’s wonderful to hear! Thanks so much for sharing! (We live in Brooklyn, so I’m very interested in programs that she could potentially commute to and save money by living at home!) I love hearing that MT majors get piano lessons at CAP21 - that is SO helpful!</p>

<p>Hi All- CAP21 Admissions here! </p>

<p>Thank you all for your interest in our programs. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. </p>

<p>Also, feel free to contact us directly at <a href=""></a>. </p>

<p>@CollegeMom - I maintain the Big List of MT Programs by Program Type by updating with everyone’s comments (CAP21 is one of many changes since an updated list was posted). If the character limit is lifted, please let me know and I will post the current list right away. If anyone wants the list emailed, I am happy to send it to them if I get a private message with their personal email.</p>