Bids to be offered

<p>[Alabama</a> Pi Phi, Chi O, and Others To Reportedly Offer Bid To Discriminated Black PNM After University President Keeps Bidding Open | TFM News](<a href=“]Alabama”></p>

<p>A horrible piece of journalism but here is the answer for what is going on right now. Dr. Bonner has extended open bidding to continue to allow any PNM’s that may have been discriminated against to be offered bids.</p>

<p>Excellent! Pretty quickly ends the segregation. </p>

<p>Hopefully by next year, you’ll see the same change you have seen with OOS bids </p>

<p>“Change takes an instant. Resistance to change can take a lifetime.”</p>

<p>These girls should feel very good about themselves and what they have done.</p>

<p>This link is complete trash and extremely offensive.</p>

<p>To say I am thrilled would be an understatement. There are no words. </p>

<p>Now let’s hope these girls, should they accept, are fully embraced and that they girls who exposed this situation suffer no repercussions.</p>

<p>I should clarify that I am thrilled about the situation, not that idiotic article.</p>

<p>It’s a known horrible site. But it’s reporting is oddly accurate.</p>

<p>bamagirls, I agree, I do not like that link or story at all. So far no other publication has anything out there to link. Hoping the CW has something soon. This is not a source that I would read if ever at all, much like greekrank, ICK!</p>

<p>Well I actually came across this site yesterday by accident while looking for information on the reported hazing incident. I came across one from last year. It made me sick to my stomach. If this is indicative of acceptable behavior in the Greek culture, then I really don’t know what to say. Accurate or not, I find this repulsive and immature at best.</p>

<p>CW just tweeted it so hope it’s going to happen.</p>

<p>Sadly, with the anonymity that the internet provides, this is not endemic of just greek life. With sites like @ask, twitter, etc it is all out there. People can post all kinds of bs without reprecussion. Same for GreekRank. It is trash! I don’t think we will ever end it. What we can do is what I touched on in the other thread, we encourage our children to not take part in such activities and to be ever mindful of what they post online on any site. Parents, if you do not know about @ask, you better find out asap!</p>

<p>Now, I do hope that every piece of journalism that were quick to report about this incident will do a follow up to show that it has been resolved with a positive note. Also, I hope that it has brought attention to other areas across the nation that also have issues of racism alive and well going on that are not in the bright spotlight.</p>

<p>more important to me… is not what bids they give this week…but what happens next year when the media isnt looking again.</p>

<p>I know there is trash out there, but I post here to provide helpful and accurate information to those who are considering becoming a part of the UA family or to help those who already are a part of it when they have a question. If this is the trash we’re going to be linking and quoting as our sources here then it is time I stuck a fork in this because I’m done posting here. We really need not worry about the disparaging remarks others have lobbed our way in the past few days. We just cast ourselves in the same negative light. I love the UA and am proud that my family is a part of it. I am sure you meant well by posting this link, and I will be happy to see these girls offered bids if they choose to accept them, but I am embarrassed to see this associated with the University of Alabama forum.</p>

<p>^^ Agreed. That so-called news article was very distasteful, to the point that I wouldn’t rely on it as being factual. Fortunately CW has tweeted the info on COB as well. I hope the continuous open bidding results in the girls who were passed over being offered bids.</p>

<p>I sort of figured this would happen. I figured the sororities who blackballed her would get a chance to “make good.” </p>

<p>If this is the truth, then I hope she accepts the bid. Because ultimately she is the trailblazer. And while she is an important person in this drama, I think the second one… and the third one… and the tenth one… are more important in the long run. Show us that this is not just to placate the media. Show us real change.</p>

<p>Sorry, I am not on twitter so I don’t get the CW tweets. I tried to find something on the CW site but nothing. The only reason I had that was because my D had heard what was going to happen and sent me the link. </p>

<p>Sorry I even posted it now. Was hoping that others could read it as I did without paying any attention to the trash talk. Guess not…</p>

<p>Maybe someone can get admin to take it down and wipe away this thread.</p>

<p>TxNCM, it’s o.k. It’s good news, just hateful spew that gives us that good news. Deep breaths.</p>

<p>We are all just so worked up over this ugly situation that emotions are high. Hang in there, let’s all stay positive and work together to make positive change.</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Moves to End Segregated Sorority System |](<a href=“]University”>University of Alabama Moves to End Segregated Sorority System |</p>

<p>They leaked to Time or national news first. Here is another more reputable link.</p>

<p>“I am sure you meant well by posting this link, and I will be happy to see these girls offered bids if they choose to accept them, but I am embarrassed to see this associated with the University of Alabama forum.”</p>

<p>Boy, I have to think that linking this particular story is the LEAST of the UA forum’s problems right now. The OP was clearly trying to get the “good news” out there and I’m very surprised that people are trying to make her feel bad about that. Seriously, I’m scratching my head here.</p>

<p>The Time link is certainly more reputable though they did get some facts wrong, including the byline. The school did not disallow it. Regardless, I hope the appropriate bids are offered and accepted. </p>

<p>May this be the first real step to real change!!</p>

<p>Good news!</p>