Big Four Recruiting (and some other stuff)

<p>Hey, guys, I'm currently a Community college student in NJ but Virginia Tech has been my dream school forever and I have a few questions. One, can someone transfer into the Business school after completing their associates degree, and what must their grades be like? Also is it possible to double major in Finance and Accounting, and if so do the Big Four accounting firms actively recruit at VT? Lastly is it possible to go to VT and end up at a Big Four job in New York City (Has anyone you know done it)? Thanks so much for taking the time to read all my questions.</p>

<p>Yes, the Big 4 accounting firms actively recruit at VT (big time!). The Big 4 set up campus interviews and then office interviews for the location where you are interested in being employed. Yes, you can move to NYC (it’s best to discuss directly with the firm).</p>

<p>I don’t know if you can still double major in Acct and Finance. There used to be a significant overlap but both majors have become more specialized (check out the Pamplin website for Accounting and Information Systems versus Finance (various specialty tracks), e.g., major in Finance with financial accounting track specialty. There’s a lot of options to choose from.</p>

<p>I think you would be best off calling up VT admissions with your questions on transferring from a NJ community college. They could tell you want they are looking for; how many credits might transfer etc.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>I am a recent transfer student from a Community College majoring in Finance. From my experience so far, Pamplin College of Business will certainly keep you updated on any fairs,events,internship opportunities and etc. VT is in the eyes of the big four and you will, for sure, get great opportunities to put your knowledge at work. They have other great programs like SEED and etc which give you hands on experience. I have met a handful of students who are double majoring or major+minoring in either Finance and accounting, BIT etc… I am not sure if transfers are able to do that.</p>