big mistake

<p>With less than 2 hours and 30 minutes to go, I am VERY upset.
I never received my e-mail including instructions and my pin # to check my status at 5pm.
I e-mailed the webmaster explaining my situation and he replied saying he had sent the mail to an e-mail address which was NOT mine.</p>

<p>I called the admissions board and everything, but they said I can't do anything about it.</p>

<p>All I can do is wait for the webmaster to either re-sent the information or tell me something else.
I don't know what to do.</p>

<p>I mean, the letters were sent out this morning, and it will probably take about 2-3 days for me to receive the mail, but I want to know ASAP. nameann?</p>

<p>UGhhh!!! I'm really upset :(</p>

<p>Good luck everybody else.</p>

<p>wait…we get letters too? I thought all the letters were sent out in March with the ED letters…</p>

<p>and I am very sorry for you…I would have thrown a conniption.</p>

<p>we get letters by the 15th i believe.</p>

<p>ohh…that’s like a double slap to the face if we don’t get in…i don’t want to be told that twice!</p>

<p>i know, right? haha.
2 hours and 8 minutes.</p>

<p>Did they give you the email address of the person they sent your PIN and password to? If so, you could email that person and ask for your PIN and password or have them check your Cornell status for you! I know it’s kiind of weird to email a total stranger and ask if you got into Cornell, but why did they send your pin and password to the wrong email address??! Not to make you feel worse, but I’d be freaking out!</p>

<p>i actually did e-mail the wrong email address butttt they didn’t’ respond yet.
1 hour and 18 minutes. hahah.</p>

<p>Lol just relax and be patient. You will get in either way if you were meant to be there.</p>

<p>i know, i believe that. (:</p>