Big State School

<p>Hi, I'm a Jewish white kid who lives in NY. I'm a junior at a competitive high school. I want to know what my chances were of getting into a big state school. My top choices are:</p>

<p>U of Miami
Penn State - University Park
U of Maryland
U of Michigan
U of Delaware</p>

<p>My weighted GPA will prob be around a 3.78 by the end of my junior year. My SAT score will probably be in the 1260-1340 range.
I am top 15% at my high school and my ECs are:</p>

<p>Varsity Baseball - 3 years
Jv baseball - freshman year
fresh and jv basketball
DECA business club
National Honor Society
Math honor society
english " "</p>

<p>oh yea, and i got a 640 on my Math SATII.</p>

<p>if you can, tell me my chances at those schools or maybe add a few other schools to my list.</p>

<p>you're in at UDEL & prob. Penn State (depending on what your unweighted GPA is) and Maryland. </p>

<p>Del = safety
Maryland & Penn State = safety / match.
Michigan might be a bit of a reach.
Miami = match / reach.</p>