Binge Drinking/Alcohol Poisoning

<p>There have been alot of posts about this on the boards. As a junior in college, I have been to many parties at several different schools. I just wanted parents to know everytime someone goes to the hospital its because of LIQUOR. Most college freshmen just see alcohol as alcohol. It's also important to know that you often don't feel the effects of liquor until 20 minutes later. You have a false sense of security as kids wont realize they drank too much until its too late. This is especially true with everclear mixed with something like Kool-Aid. You can't even taste it, and then it hits you. Other mixed drinks -- Jack and Coke, etc arent as bad but are totally dependent on how "strong" they are. Conversely, with beer I've never seen anyone get to life-threatening levels (granted that no one drives). Typically, the worst that happens is someone will throw-up and be fine by the next morning. The one exception to this is if they have been smoking marijuana. These shouldn't be combined and I have seen kids get sick from this as well. Generally, I also see girls prefering liquor because they are afraid beer will make them fat.</p>

<p>As parents, if you tell your kids to not drink they may not(probably?) wont listen to you. However, I think you should focus your attention on distinguishing the differences between liquor and beer. Most kids have to learn this from one brutal night of hugging the toilet or waking up in the ER........</p>