Binge watched tv shows

Recently watched Rita - a Danish series about a teacher and currently watching Salamander - both streaming on Netflix with subtitles.

Loved Salamander.

Started Happy Valley.

Alh, third season of 75 & counting or Last Tango, is available.

I liked Happy Valley very much. Thanks for the tip on Salamander; will have to check it out.

I’ve been watching Catastrophe on Amazon Prime. Six episodes about an early-middle-aged American man and a same-age Irish woman living in London have a hook-up that results in a pregnancy. Hilarity ensues. Not bad. Season 2 is on the way.

Just watched episode 1 of Catastrophe. Love it.

I just saw a trailer for Longmire on IMDB. The new season streams Sept. 10 on Netflix.

@mamom, alas, it goes fast. Six half-hour episodes. Ends with a cliff-hanger; good thing that there’s a Season 2 on the way!

Anyone else watching Humans on AMC?

Also, a second for Mr. Robot, which has DH riveted.

Thanks for the Catastrophe recommendation @oldmom4896. Just watched the first two episodes: fun.

We just watched seasons 1 and 2 of Ray Donovan. Loved that. Before that it was network TV we had recorded but not watched – like Madam Secretary, which was OK but not great. We have a bunch of summer shows qeueing up. I might never go back to watching on a weekly basis again.

I just finished binge-watching 6 seasons of The Good Wife. I started a couple of months ago, and then gathered steam so that I was truly in binge mode by season 5, watching multiple episodes at a time for days. What a great series. At first, I was doubtful. The case of the week kind of thing seemed to be too neat. But as it went on, it got better and better. What a cast! Not only the regulars, but the guests and recurring guests. The quality is astounding.

It really makes a huge different to watch tv without the commercials. At this point, I can hardly stand to watch the few current shows I follow as broadcast. I usually watch the day or two after as a result.

The last few days I alternated with The Crimson Tide, to string it out a bit longer. I highly recommend TCT. I love Hermione Norris, who was previously great in Wire in the Blood and MI5 (I think entitled Spooks in the UK), both of which I would recommend, along with Foyle’s War.

Now I have to try something else. Of the things often mentioned here, I’ve seen The Wire on DVD (tempted to rewatch), The Killing (excellent), Friday Night Lights (never thought I would love a show about football in Texas!), OITNB (detest Piper, but like everyone else :slight_smile: ), The West Wing (adore), The Newsroom (loved it). I tried and failed to watch House of Cards (the characters are just too horrible) and Breaking Bad (ditto), both of which my S has urged me to watch, and neither The Sopranos nor Boardwalk Empire grabbed me.

Sounds like Last Tango in Halifax should be next on the agenda

Why doesn’t the BBC make seasons longer than six episodes?

I have only watched a couple episodes of latest season of House of Cards. Yuck.
Finished watching Halifax, and almost done with HappyValley. Thinking about watching Deadwood again.
Grace and Frankie
could be really good, I don’t remember if its been renewed, so many shows only get a year.( sob:::Firefly/Terriers:::), but I watched some of the first season of Parks and rec, and later seasons were MUCH better.

I don’t mind slightly dark shows, but I need some humor in there too.
Anyone seen Vicious- with Derek Jacobi and Ian McKellen?

i watched a few episodes of Vicious on TV and I thought it was kind of meh.

We just binge watched Falling Skies. No clue why I like these post apocalyptic stuff but I do. A few eye rolls and definitely don’t get attached to the new cast member who goes on missions
but entertaining summer tv.

If you liked good wife watch suits. It’s got great characters without the politics. Even though hubby loves Christine Baranski.

“Velvet” is fabulous (2 seasons on Netflix streaming).

“Set in ’50s/’60s Spain, Velvet is woven with multi-strand personal and business dramas, gorgeous period costumes, Art Deco-inspired sets, and an upstairs/downstairs-like love affair akin to the one between Downton‘s Lady Sybil and chaffeur Branson if they’d met at Selfridge’s department store in the time of Don Draper.”

I don’t think the British and Europeans have what we think of as tv seasons. At least, didn’t used to.

Happy Valley is ok. I notice the main gal is also in Last Tango in Halifax. Liked Steve Pemberton in Whitechapel.

Of course (did we mention this before?,) love Bill Nighy in almost anything. Did we note the BBC’s State of Play?
And speaking of him, if you ever get a chance to see the (2014?) movie, Pride, I found it charming, a keeper.

BBC’s The Hour is also good. Sorry if I’m repeating anything.

I love Bill Nighy too.
And I missed the 2nd Marigold hotel when it was in theatres. But I havent seen State of Play!

I love both Josh Charles – sob!–and anything by Sorkin, so maybe I’ll give Sports Night a whirl. :slight_smile:

Finally finished the latest season of OITNB. Love, love, love that show and all the characters!

Currently watching Bloodline and have gotten sucked in. Wonderful casting.