Binge watched tv shows

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The sinner:
It’s on my list… I hope to get to it after Condor.

I’m afraid of it being very dark though.

Yes, Wales is beautiful.

@amom2girls I’m liking Deadwind. But look up Cardinal, which is Canadian and supposed to be good.

Cardinal IS very good. I loved the atmosphere, the way the region is described and shot.
Be aware though that ot can be stomach turning…there are scenes I couldn’t watch - let’s say anything where a person is strung up in a basement (trying not to spoil anything) was unbearable for me and I had to skip.

Ugh. Thanks for the warning. I can handle crime tv, disassociate, but not when it’s the stuff of nightmares.

what is cardinal on? I just finished Deadwind and will be interested in your thoughts. Going to start a netflix suggestion of ultraviolet. There is also something called Guernsey, which looks different and interesting.

Anyone watching the 6th season of Orange is the New Black?
I found season 5 dark and am now wondering after the first episode if I care
to watch the second.

@oregon101 I’ve finished Season 6 and I liked it a lot. It provided glimpses into familiar characters who make different choices given the move to maximum security, some of which were unexpected. Some of our favorites give amazing performances, and others, i.e., Piper, are still annoying. The storylines are more enjoyable because they focus on fewer characters. I think this is a problem that OITNB has always had, going too far with trying to be a true ensemble show. Eliminating some characters, and being able to do it easily with the disbursement of inmates at the end of last season, has worked well. A few new characters are introduced, some interesting, some less so.

Although I didn’t find it as dark as Season 5, it has its moments. After all, life in maximum security isn’t going to be easy.

@amom2girls Cardinal is on Hulu.

Thank you @Mom2jl. I did a search but didn’t see it. Deciding whether to get Hulu righ now.

I enjoyed Life Sentence too --it’s light and feels a bit like a younger (not as good) parenthoody type show.

Will check out Life Sentence.
Am watching American woman. It’s a short format but not a comedy - more a period piece - 1970s Hollywood, pampered housewife must find a job to pay the bills after her husband inevitably cheats and she refuses to “get over it”; her best friends include a sweet but vapid woman who is starting a talent agency with her boyfriend, who has a secret life, and a college graduate who has a job and who’s trying to get a promotion at the bank where she works. All three women navigate the ups and downs of a changing but not yet changed landscape for men and women. The details - cereal boxes, sugar tins, phones, dresses, haircuts, styles, cars …- are perfect. But OMG was fashion ugly back then. So far, each woman’s path to Independence lacks originality but then again, those paths were pretty specific without much room for deviation. The vapid friend who starts her own casting agency would be the most interesting except no one sees her as a self starter and more as a “spoiled woman has a pet project”. The single woman who graduated college and is trying to have a career is interesting too.
Again, it’s sitcom length but it’s not a sitcom nor comedy. A dramedy at most.
I switched to it from Condor because the paranoia on that show was too much.

American Woman sounds interesting. I Googled and it’s on the Paramount Network, which I don’t get. Even their website doesn’t allow you to watch episodes, but you can get a free 24-hour pass.

There are now 4 season of Fargo…I think you can stream 3. We loved the first two and just started season 3. It’s amazing how they have the same theme but different story lines that are kept fresh. And you gotta love those accents!

Just finished Love. It really grew on me, as did the characters, and by the end I was so sorry it was over. Give it a try. Three seasons in the series.

We just finished watching The Office from beginning to end, which I had never done. I don’t think I’d seen any of seasons 8 and 9. I highly recommend watching it in order and not just random reruns which was my previous experience. Such great writing throughout the series.

Just finished Deadwind and highly recommend. @amom2girls Ithought it was so layered and liked the relationships.

Btw, there is a second season now to Salamandre, the Blegian show. Seems only on UK venues, for now.

Bingeing on old Flipping Out episode. I don’t know why (as I am often mortified or put off) but I love this show.

@TempeMom Me, too! The new season starts on Sept. 11!

I love Flipping Out too! Glad the new season starts soon.

Anyone watching Jack Ryan? I’m enjoying it so far. We just finished The Office, so I’m adjusting to the Jim/Jack transition. I’m also watching Ozark. Good tv week!