Binge watched tv shows

I started Parenthood this week after seeing it mentioned on this thread numerous times, and I am hooked!

This season of Fargo is amazing.

Any way to watch Frago without paying?

The whole season of Man in the High Castle is released on Amazon Prime. We have watched the first 2 episodes, and are looking forward to watching more. Oddly, this is one of the Philip K Dick novels I havenā€™t read, so I guess I also have some reading to do.

@audiophile, I agree. The first season of Fargo was terrific. The second season raises the bar even more.

Hulu supposedly has Fargo. Google. Some free channels are harder to achieve than others.

@lookingforward Thank you for the tip. Hulu has a free trial for a month. I could try to watch it all within the month.

Currently watching River - I think itā€™s an original netflix series, not the sort of thing I usually like since River (the detective) sees dead people. But by episode 2 I was a fan! Incidentally, DD tried to sign into her Amazon Prime a/c on our TV so we could watch Man in the High Castle and somehow re activated DHā€™s AP a/c and there seems no way to deactivate without paying a $20 penalty. So that was a little pricey - since DH will keep he a/c for a year rather than pay the $20!

I enjoyed the PBS Masterpiece series Indian Summers. The last 5 episodes (out of 9) are still available for streaming on the website. Iā€™m sure it will come around again.

Just finished Broadchurch 2. After seeing so many negative comments here, I hesitate to watch it. I liked it. If watched and didnā€™t like it, what was so bad about it? The season 2 had more beautiful scenery.

^ I liked season 2 also. Werenā€™t the negative comments about the US version? Anybody watching David Tennant as the bad guy in the new Netflix series? The reviews are good, I havenā€™t started yet.

Jessica Jones? I watched it. It is like reading a comic book.

I just binged on The Man in the High Castle. And am scouring the internet to find out what the heck happened, what it meant.

I am six episodes in to The Man in the High Castle, and really enjoying it. My sense is that they took a Philip K Dick book that could easily have fit into 2-3 hours of TV and expanded the premise and the characters to make it last indefinitely.

My So-Called Life got binged many times in my house. My daughter has it with her in New York.

Much of Thanksgiving was devoted to comparing recent binges. My kids really like Jessica Jones (and would agree enthusiastically that itā€™s like reading a comic book). They also really like Master Of Nothing, about which I am ā€œehā€. We all liked Red Oaks, nice teen comedy/romance with some celebrity guest directors for key episodes.

I fell head-over-heels for Mozart In The Jungle ā€“ I think I binge-watched it twice in one week.

My wife has adopted Jane The Virgen as her go-to default mindless entertainment.

@JHS, So far, thereā€™s no word on a 2nd season of The Man in the High Castle, so it could just be the 10 episodes.

Season 2 of Transparent will be released on Amazon Prime on Thursday (12/10). If itā€™s anywhere as good as Season 1, I will binge!

I am loving Dicte, season 2. Has been renewed for a 3rd season.

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Weā€™ve watched 7 episodes of Man in the High Castle so far, and Iā€™m about 25% of the way through the book. Enjoying both.

Iā€™m halfway through Season Six of ā€œGilmore Girlsā€ right now! I canā€™t understand how I have missed this show all these years- my D and her friends constantly say that she and I ARE Lorelei and Rory, and my mother most assuredly was Emily- so Iā€™m enjoying it and wanting to cringe, all at the same time!

Anyone familiar with a BBC show called ā€œLife on Marsā€? Itā€™s about a current day detective who gets hit by a car and wakes up (or dreams heā€™s) in 1973, complete with bell bottoms, boots, a medallion and an 8 track tape in his car. Just finished episode 3 on hulu and will continue watching. It has several of my favorite themes: time travel, a lot of ambiguity, a bit of humor, and a great 70s rock soundtrack. So far, Iā€™ve heard the eponymous Bowie, The Who, Wings, Pink Floyd (Meddle!) and also lesser known bands Free, The Sweet and Uriah Heep.

From what Iā€™ve read, there is also an American version that was poorly received and cancelled after one season.