Binge watched tv shows

Enjoying Transparent season 2 on Amazon Prime. Although I was reluctant to start Season 1 because the story line seemed so outlandish, I saw Season 1 and now see Season 2 as an engrossing story of an extremely neurotic upper-upper-middle-class Jewish family in LA, and IMHO the transsexual element of the story is engrossing as well. Jeffrey Tambor (along with a supporting cast that includes many transgender actors) is amazing.

Yes, it was an interesting show with an absolutely fantastic cast. The network messed around with the show, however, with a two month hiatus in the middle of the season, and then switched itā€™s time slot which lost a lot of fans. Another case of a show that would have fared better on cable than on network tv, which seems to foul things up all too often.

Oh, yes! I watched both versions, and the Brit version was much much better. For a lot of it, I would watch one episode of the Brit version, then the same episode of the US version. There is a sequel of the Brit version called Ashes to Ashes, but I havenā€™t seen it.

Last weekā€™s episode of Fargo has me terribly confused. Extraterrestrials??

Some food for thought about the Fargo UFO:

Season 2 of Transparent was amazing.

Shh, Snodog donā€™t give too much away! I am trying to limit myself to one episode per night, even if I skip a night. But I definitely agree.

@jhs you wrote

Wonderful!!! Thanks for suggesing it. loved this and now will move on to other gems mentioned in this thread.
Mozart in the Jungle - highly recommend. I didnā€™t realize the jungle is NYC, and the conductor losely based on LA philharmonic conductor Gustavo Dudamel- rotten tomatoes gives the series 95% rating.

  1. *Life On Mars*: I never saw the BBC original, but I quite liked the American version, which deserved a better audience than it got. The nest was a little fouled with a stupid series ending, though.
  2. I had a funny conversation about *Mozart In The Jungle* last week with some hip ~25 year-olds (not my kids; a virtual niece and her boyfriend). They were very critical of me for liking it -- they think it's middlebrow entertainment for old people. So . . . a great recommendation for us. I can't wait for new episodes in a couple of weeks.
  3. I soured somewhat on *The Man In The High Castle* watching the second half of the season. In retrospect, I wrote my previous comment at the absolute high point of the series. Overall, I loved the imagined world of the show and how beautifully it was shot. And I thought a number of the secondary characters were fascinating: the Trade Minister, the head of the Kempeitai San Francisco office, the collaborator stepfather, Obergrupenfuhrer Smith and his former friend, the disillusioned Nazi, the closeted Jews, the Canyon City diner owner and his family . . . . But as the series went on, I got more and more annoyed at what uninteresting ciphers the three central characters were. They were pretty, but hardly anything they did made any sense, and their character seemed to be getting made up on an ad hoc basis episode to episode. I also got frustrated with the McGuffinness of the films, and the show's refusal to give any kind of explanation of what they were. (I find when there's a mystery that big and that amorphous at the heart of a show, it's not good news for the show long term. See, e.g., *Lost* and *Twin Peaks*.) And the surprise ending, while surprising, didn't auger well for improved focus and clarity from a second season.

Itā€™s just been renewed, and Iā€™ll watch it, of course. At least the first few episodes. But it will be on probation for me, and I will be ready to drop it if I still canā€™t stand watching Juliana, Frank, and Joe dither anymore.

  1. I tried, and pretty much failed, to get interested in *Jennifer Jones*. Watching *Narcos* now.

I didnā€™t even finish Jessica Jones, even though I liked Krystin Ritter in it. Could be Iā€™m the wrong demographic since I just canā€™t get on board the super heroes trend.

I highly recommend the second season of Fargo. The producers/writer pulled off a tough feat in giving the series a whole new story line, keeping the originalā€™s combination of blood/guts and humor, and for tying the two seasons together.

Anything to watch on hulu? My free subscription runs out in a week or two.

I just discovered Broadchurch and I am hooked. American tv would have solved the case in an hour but the Brits get a whole season out of it. Much more realistic and I always feel like I really know the characters.

Actually, it took American tv two more episodes to solve it than it took the Brits. Gracepoint was 10 episodes and Broadchurch was 8. :slight_smile:

During the last couple of months I have binge watched Parenthood (the first five seasons), Friday Night Lights and the Second season of the Affair.

I liked all these shows.

The Affair started out very slow in the second season. It really picked up though. I am going to watch the final tonight.

Then we are going to finish Parenthood, watch the Nazi series, amd of course we have to watch the second season of Broadchurch because that show started the thread. :slight_smile:

No spoilers. Should my wife and I watch this seasonā€™s Homeland? Yes or no? :slight_smile:

Definitely watch Homeland.

DH and I are liking The Expanse on SYFY, described by one reviewer as "Game of Thrones" in space.

Second thumbs up for Homeland.  Don't miss it. 

Dstark, Yes.

@dstark Why didnā€™t you start with Season 1 of The Affair? That isnā€™t an easy show to jump into in the second season. Love it, by the way, and the finale was very good.

I canā€™t recommend Mr. Robot enough.

@alwaysamom, I did watch the first season of the Affair. Last year, I recommended the show to you. :slight_smile:

I thought the Affair started out slow this year. I think it is a a great show. Looking forward to seeing the finale tonight.

As far as Homeland goesā€¦looks like I should be watching this season. Everybody who recommended the show, thanks.

I am avoiding the Homeland thread even though I started that thread because I donā€™t want to know what is going on. :slight_smile: