Binge watched tv shows

I’m strangely excited about the possibility of a sequel to thirtysomething, focusing on the now 30-something kids of the original cast and created by the original producers. I was only 20-something during the show’s heyday, but really enjoyed it.

I loved that show, @Barbalot!

I loved thirtysomething, too! I was also in my 20s when the show aired. I remember being rather horrified and fascinated at what my life might look like a few years down the road.

I watched the pilot episode of Prodigal Son (Hulu) and am pretty hooked already.

We were “thirtysomething”. S1 was the same age as Janie, we were first time parents, and we were in our 30s. I’m not sure I want to see their kids as 30-somethings - not my demographic anymore. Maybe my kids would like it.

I also watched some of BH90210 last night. Talk about going back to our childhoods - no thanks!

If I only watched shows focused on my own age group or demographics, it would be slim pickings! :slight_smile: None of my favorite shows fit that.

I don’t only watch shows in my demographic, @doschicos, but a “thirtysomething” update doesn’t really appeal to me. I’d probably watch the first episode just to catch up.

I loved thirtysomething. I don’t really care about what their kids are doing - I’d rather see what the fifty? sixty?somethings are doing now. I loved that cast.

Thirtysomething was a moment in time. It was unique, unprecedented. I don’t see how we can gain from any remake. I cared about those characters, in that moment. No remake can offer the unexpected freshness it did. We’ve changed- in large part due to the influence that show at that time had over us.

I’d rewatch some reruns- or of Sisters. But it would be a throwback.

DH bought me the thirtysomething videos a couple of years ago for Christmas. I need to dig them out!

The link I posted on the thirtysomething sequel does hint at the possibility of the older cast members coming back, but somehow I just don’t think a show called sixtysomething is going to get picked up. Of course, there is Grace and Frankie, so maybe it could work.

I also watched the pilot episode of Bluff City Law this week. Starring Jimmy Smits - a an attorney, again :smiley:

Not bad. Not as immediately gripping as Prodigal Son, but entertaining.

I’ve been watching the Country Music documentary on PBS so have missed all the new shows. Good thing there is OnDemand.

I’ve been watching Jason Z on Jeopardy every night. 19 games won, over $500,000. Third highest amount in regular games ever. I’m kind of surprised there hasn’t been more publicity about him. He doesn’t bet as crazily as James did, but he’s still amazing.

Arghh!! I tried to tape Jeopardy last night, as usual, and for some reason it didn’t. So tonight I asked DH to make sure it was taping because I had to teach a NAMI class. At 7:30, I even TEXTED him during the class - “Please check Jeopardy.” He didn’t see the text, he didn’t check, and it didn’t tape!! And Jason lost tonight. I am rather annoyed.

We didn’t get Jeopardy! here because of football. Last 3 Thursdays it was baseball.

Thanks @IxnayBob!

I’ve been watching Offspring and really enjoying it, am on Season 5 of 7. I’m finding these later seasons have more meat to them. It’s not the quality of say, Parenthood, but it’s it fun. I love seeing Nina’s outfits!

DH and I really enjoyed Country Music, much more than I expected. I think it really portrayed how much the music is passed from one generation to the next.

Regarding Thirtysomething, I liked the show when it was originally broadcast, although I found it odd as a younger Boomer to be grouped with the older Boomers in the show - coming of age in the 70s was a bit different than coming of age in the 60s. And I remember older people complaining about how “whiny” the show was.

^Yes, being born in 1962, I’ve always felt a little odd being lumped in with Baby Boomers, My younger sister, born in 1965, ISN’T in the group.

My husband is almost 9 years older than I am - he really is in a different generation. Late 60s/early 70s “anything goes” vs. late 70s/early 80s - different worlds.