Binge watched tv shows

I’m at Chernobyl ep 3, too. I find it very tense not depressing. How can you fall asleep???

I guess it’s a gift @HiToWaMom ! Seriously, if I’m going to watch a show about a heavy/serious/depressing subject, I need to care more about the characters than I do in Chernobyl so far.

The one main guy commits suicide right at the start, so I’m not very invested in his story arc…other characters get sick and die pretty quickly.

The physicist is potentially interesting. But not sold on her yet either.


I see. It is clear that their focus is on telling what happened and not on the cast of characters.

There are only 5 episodes. The show will be over before you start to care deeply about any characters!!

That’s sad, you’re probably right. I started it because I didn’t have anything else to catch up on…tonight maybe I’ll try out Politicians on Netflix and see how that goes :slight_smile:

Re Chernobyl, I was a young adult when it happened. I remember it well, I feel like I know how it ends. The revelation that there was a lot of CYA going on isn’t a shocker.

Have you seen it all?

“Sisters” is an old American show in the 90’s. Sela Ward, Swoozie Kurtz…

Chernobyl was a grim, but fascinating story.

LOVED “Chernobyl”! I remember when the accident happened, too, but that didn’t impact how I felt about the miniseries. Great writing and acting.

My D couldn’t believe it was a true story. “Really? That really happened?” It’s a strange, grim world sometimes…

I was a freshman at college when Chernobyl accident happened. I guess I was too busy enjoying the college life. I don’t remember much about it.

I had no idea so many people sacrificed their health and lives to stop the catastrophic explosion that could have completely changed the course of our lives!

I appreciate this miniseries for that reason alone - that now I know about those people who helped the world!!

I still have episodes 4 and 5 left.

Watched the first couple of eps of The Politician. Interesting, don’t know what to think. Wasn’t expecting a musical number!

@MaineLonghorn We watched 2 episodes of The Politician so far. I tuned in for the cast and really like the dark comedy. My DH said during the premiere it reminded him of Election with Reese Witherspoon which is one of my favorites. Jessica Lange scares me!

@abasket Agree the actors look college agebor older. Ben Platt maybe but the new actor playing River looks over 25 (reminds me of young JFK Jr).

Last month we started Schitt’s Creek on recommendations. Funny cast/show especially after Season 2, we’re into third season now.

Unbelievable is well worth watching, though not an easy show.

I’m three episodes in on The Politician. I love it. That song… wow what a voice!

I think a lot of info wasn’t forthcoming at the time. The Russian government really controlled what got out and downplayed it so it doesn’t surprise me that you were unaware at the time - most of us were!

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I was in Munich when Chernobyl blew up. That’s about 500 miles away. The first I heard was my husband calling from the lab telling me to close the windows. He’d been out in the parking lot and everyone was out there with Geiger counters and they were all clicking away at levels above those allowed in the lab. His first though was “All the Geiger counters are broken!”

It was very interesting how different countries reported the news. Because of the winds a lot of the radiation went north so the Scandinavian countries reported it first. In Germany there were daily reports of radiation levels and later weekly levels in food. France - which relies heavily on nuclear power - claimed the radiation stopped at their border. The Germans made fun of them.

Meanwhile we didn’t eat game or mushrooms for the rest of our stay there, which was almost three more years, and we didn’t drink fresh milk for six months. It was quite an education in what the half lives of the various kinds of radiation are. Iodine good! Cesium bad!

Which is a long roundabout way of saying I can’t watch it. It still gives me nightmares.

I haven’t started The Politician yet but no one should be surprised if there’s a musical number when it’s a Ryan Murphy production filled with Broadway stars. :slight_smile:

Finished the Politician. Looks like there will be a season 2, and I will watch it.

Enjoyed the music too :slight_smile:

I’m LOVING The Americans! Thanks to whomever recommended it :slight_smile:

sort of homebound right now – and have been watching several shows including Yellowstone (paramount); Succession (HBO) and Poldark (BBC). kinda fun! Yellowstone and Succession are very similar I think - anyone else watching?

The Americans: where do you find this series? on Netflix? thanks

**and DH really liked Chernobyl - I’m afraid to watch it for some reason. he said the politics were part of it all.

@bgbg4us It’s on Amazon Prime Video.

New Season (5) of Peaky Blinders just came out. Who else is a fan?

@bgbg4us The Americans is on Amazon Prime (six seasons long!)

I could not get into Peaky Blinders - I watched about 15m on the first episode, but I couldn’t do it; I couldn’t understand the accents!