Binge watched tv shows

Yes, the clothes and attention to details are fabulous but the first two seasons were much more than that, IMO. I just didn’t find myself laughing nearly as much this season. Too much of the caustic Lennon character (although I’m a fan of Jane Lynch) and I found the Susie Meyerson character less entertaining as well this season.

Anyone watching Lost in Space?

I started Messiah on Netflix. Very interesting story thus far.

Messiah is next for me too!

And now I will be in suspense for Virgin River season 2!

My husband and I aren’t thrilled with Mrs. Maisel this season, either. Way too much music and not enough plot. I was surprised that Vulture gave the last episode we watched five stars! I would have given it 2 1/2.

I haven’t been able to get past the first 20 mins of Maisel. It looks like a musical. Very disappointing.

I’m the opposite of most of you. I liked the 3rd season of Maisel the best. At first I had trouble getting into it, but began to like it better as it went along. After I watched the 3rd season last month, I went back and watched the first 2 and didn’t remember half of the things that happened.

I love the clothes, I hate the constant swearing (and other friends have said the same). I love the episodes in the Catskills - so Dirty Dancing!

^^^ I want a spin off show just based in the Catskills! Just love that vibe!

I have just started watching Collateral (a UK show) Very good so far

Finally watched Chernobyl. What a well crafted miniseries!

I have to admit while watching it, I kept wondering about rising sea levels and nuclear power plants. Off to google…

@doschicos your post about Chernobyl made me realize I left the show off my list. We watched in the fall and each night/episode was tough to get through but they did an amazing job with writing, actors, details, cinematography. I watched little or no news in the 80s and the scope of the disaster/aftermath so upsetting.

If you haven’t watched the Netflix series Cheer, give it a go. It was really enjoyable.

I recently binged Fleabag (after the Golden Globes win) and am very glad I did. It really was all about grief and coping mechanisms and guilt and relationships and love. The sex was just a vehicle to develop those themes, and bothered me much less than the sex in Mrs. Fletcher. The acting and writing was stellar; great casting. I totally understand all the awards now. And a lovely ending.

Messiah is very good so far! (on Episode 4)…

Where is Chernobyl again?

@Sybylla , YES! I totally enjoyed Cheer. I was so invested in those kids and what would happen. Jerry was my favorite!
And I am halfway through the most recent season of Mrs. Maisel and we are enjoying it a lot! Except for the Mom and Dad Maisel storyline…it makes me sad.

I also liked Cheer. It gives an appreciation for those not doing the typical college experience.

And those boys have some muscles!

Chernobyl is on HBO.

I’m late to the game but both my girls encouraged me to start Sex Education. 2 episodes in and I’m liking it. Yeah, a little graphic and frequent on the sex…but,hence the name of the show! My sister in law gave it a big thumbs up and said she has recommended both her boys watch it (15 and 18).

I think season two is out shortly?

I liked Sex Education, too. Hope there’s a season 2.