Binge watched tv shows

Introduced my sister and parents to “The Crown” so I’m rewatching it! Enjoying it the second time, too.

@maya54 said:
“Schitt’s Creek. … It is truly one of the warmest, most delightful things I’ve ever seen…”

Could.Not.Agree.More! <3 I binge watched seasons 1-5 with my 80 yo mother over the span of 12 days. Each season was better than the last and we anxiously await the release of the final season on Netflix; presumably this fall.

“Each season was better than the last and we anxiously await the release of the final season on Netflix; presumably this fall.””

We couldn’t wait and for the price of a night at the movies for the two of us bought the season on Amazon. So hard to not binge but have no self control!

Anyone know when next seasons of Ozark and Handmaid’s Tale are released?

I’ve been off CC for a few months and may have missed a comment on this, but has anyone else watched “Raising Dion” on Netflix? I thought it was sweet and interesting, and I have never, ever watched anything remotely super hero.

I think “Better Things” is coming back next week. And speaking of Pamela Adlon, she has a cameo on a popular show tonight.

@sunnyschool the next season of Ozark will start on March 27. I don’t know about Handmaid’s Tale.

Just finished The Repair Shop on netflix. Chill, relaxing show about people having neglected objects of great sentimental value repaired or restored. Lots of tears when items are picked up. Watching how an old mechanical clock can be made to run again is fascinating!

“Hunters” on Prime Video. Sucked us right in.

^^^ We watched the entire season in 3 nights!

All of the sudden there are so many things to see!

So don’t miss the newest season of BABYLON BERLIN on Netflix. Watch Season 1 &2, then catch Season 3. Definitely start with season 1.

It’s a German series based on a series of bestselling books - historical thrillers set in 1930’s Berlin. This series has it all: a brilliant, complex, surprising story; superb acting and writing; lots of dark humor, sex, violence, mystery and a lot of exoticism.

If you want to sink your teeth into world-class TV - this is it.

I just noticed that there was a new season of Babylon Berlin up last night. I loved loved loved the first season, a little less so the second season (which may have been part of a single, longer first season in Germany) with its maybe-too-many twists and turns. But that was so long ago I had forgotten all but the most basic plot points. I was a little at sea watching the first episode of Season 3.

The atmosphere and late Weimar Republic period detail of this show are fantastic, whether you can follow the plot or not.

Help Needed! Maybe I’m the only one but I watch shows and enjoy them then they fly right out of my head. I wanted to recommend a show to someone and all I can remember is the basic plot – without spoiling it, I can say it was about a mother whose child was murdered long ago and now she believes the killer is being released from jail. I think it was British? Has anyone seen this?

I better start writing things down!!

I have. It is British. On Netflix. I will see if I can track down the title.

ooh good to know about Babylon Berlin - also an opportunity to brush up on my German.

We just finished watching the second season of Star Trek Discovery - and I liked how the last episode neatly took care of some questions I’d been asking myself since the series started. I think the second season was stronger than the first. They hired Tig Nataro to play an engineer and she is great. Michelle Yeoh steals the scene every time she’s on screen (in a good way).

Just started Star Trek Picard, younger son liked it even better than Discovery - promising so far.

@amylou2 was it Happy Valley?

I think it’s THE VICTIM.

Yes! That’s it. Thanks so much. I have a friend with whom I share all our fave shows! I’ll be able to tell her.

The Victim is on Amazon Prime.

It used to be on Netflix a few months ago.

I got hooked on “UNSTOPPABLE” --either Netflix or Amazon. Enjoyed the characters growing up just a bit.