Binge watched tv shows

Don’t forget to watch or DVR the Sherlock special tomorrow!

Making a murderer on Netfix. Wow!

I watched five seasons of Downton Abbey on Amazon Prime over the past few weeks. It’s really good binge watched. I have a hard time making the commitment to watch a weekly series. I know season 6 starts Sunday but we’ll be returning from out of town and I’ll probably miss it.

I’m definitely going to watch Nurse Jackie. I think I’ve seen it through season 4. I’ve completely lost track of where I was with Homeland. I think I’ve seen three seasons.

And I did start The Fall and though it’s a little scary in places, it’s sucking me in. It’s going to be my binge, tonight.

Rosered, I watched Whitechapel ( 1&2, maybe 3?) on BBC America, years ago, and liked it. It looks like Hulu has all of it.

Finished my Parenthood binge, what a ride. I really enjoyed the show! We are starting Jessica Jones, but already there is too much gratuitous sex, not sure if I will finish it.

Has anyone watched Narcos on Netflix? Just started watching the first season and we’re half way through it. The show is fascinating and depressing–about the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar (Columbian drug lord) and the DEA agents trying to bring him down.

@partyof5, I watched Parenthood as it was broadcast and was very sad to see it end. On the recommendation of CCers, I watched Friday Night Lights and I was hooked. I have no interest in high school football but it’s another fine family drama. It’s on Netflix.

I watched Narcos. It was a great show.

@Bromfield2 I watched Narcos last month, and it was excellent. I was surprised it was such a great history lesson.

@oldmom4896 I was sooo sad. Maybe I will try Friday Night Lights, because Jessica Jones isnt doing it for me.

I have tried Narcos: made it through the first episode after a couple tries. I realize that after bingeing my way through Madam Secretary I am not turned on by something featuring violent and ignorant men where women are pieces of meat. Does it get better?

Speaking of meat, I’m finding myself liking series where strong women are among the central characters.

@Consolation No, it doesn’t. Don’t gang and meat go hand in hand?

I just finished Narcos this morning.

It’s not quite fair to say the series treats women as meat. A lot of the characters do, and you see that in the early episodes. But over the course of the show, some of the women emerge as complex characters with legitimate agency, although they’re never at the center of the action. I wouldn’t argue that Narcos is anything other than a male-oriented action series, but it makes some attempt to account for the experience and perspective of women, mainly the wives of Escobar, Murphy, and Gaviria, the M19 woman, the Galeanos’ sister, and the ex-President’s daughter. The series does (sort of) pass the Bechdel test over the course of 8 hours: there are multiple women whose names you know (even if I can’t remember them now), and on at least a couple of occasions Murphy’s wife and Elisa the revolutionary talk to each other about something other than men.

I read a really interesting article taking issue with Narcos as history, claiming that it soft-pedals the involvement of U.S. intelligence agencies in the rise of the Medellin cartel.

One minor thing I noticed about Narcos: almost none of the Spanish-speaking characters sounds Colombian. I’m not going to claim that I am a perfect expert on Latin-American accents and regional language variations, but there’s a lot of Argentinian in the dialogue, too.

I got through 3 episodes (or maybe it was 2) of Narcos and called it. I can’t handle the violence and killing the cat was the end for me. I think it was very well done, but I am not looking for that much violence when I watch TV. It’s just me.

We are 3 episodes into Making a Murderer and I’m liking it a lot more. My son was enthralled with it and binge watched it.

That’s a pathetically low standard. Amazing how rarely movies meet it, though. :slight_smile:

Has anyone watched Narcos on Netflix? Just started watching the first season and we’re half way through it. The show is fascinating and depressing–about the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar (Columbian drug lord) and the DEA agents trying to bring him down.>>>>>>>

Yes, dh and I devoured it. Looking forward to the next season. Like Breaking Bad, it totally sucked me in.
Now we’ve started The Man in the High Castle…wow! The premise itself is gut-wrenching for someone of my generation. It’s simply unimaginable… therefore, this is particularly good. It gives me the same feelings as reading “1984” in 1968!

I just started watching Homeland’s current season. I have seen the first three episodes. Wow! Great show!

Thanks for all the thumbs up on Homeland! Glad I did not give the show up! :slight_smile:

Yay, dstark. :-bd

I just finished “The Time in Between” (Netflix). The story hooked me right away. It’s Spanish with English subtitles (that they occasionally mess up in amusing ways – including English subtitles for English dialog; Spanish subtitles for German dialog with no English). I seem to really like WWII era dramas – this will likely appeal to those who like Call the Midwife and who can tolerate subtitles (or understand Spanish.)

I’m enjoying Mozart in the Jungle – a comedy about classical music in NYC, inspired by a musician’s memoirs. Kind of refreshing TV fare after binging on crime/thriller/mystery series.