Binge watched tv shows

We were at a Xmas party and the house had the biggest flat screen tv I have ever seen. Don’t know the size but it was ginormous. Definitely much bigger than 75”. I actually started feeling nauseous looking at.

We have a 52” and it’s plenty big for us. I also dislike the tv being the focal point, so there is that, too.

I remember when we bought our 50" several years ago, replacing a 32" old school TV. I kept pressing my back against the sofa, trying to push myself further back from the screen. I felt like people had invaded our family room. I adjusted and would consider getting a 55" when we need a new TV, but couldn’t imagine getting a 75" one.

Oh how much I enjoyed watching West Wing when it was a current series, so enjoyable to binge now. If only we could audition Chief of Staff’s and Press Secretaries like TV shows. Hey, maybe they should do that!

I really enjoyed Unorthodox and Shtisel on Netflix.

Comcast is running a ‘Watchathon’ from May 11-17. It gives us on-demand access to many shows on HBO, Starz, Epix, and others.

Last watchathon we watched the first 7 episodes of the latest season of Outlander. Now we can watch the last five. DW liked the first 2 episodes of Belgravia on Epix. She can now watch 3-4.

I can watch a few Last Week Tonight episodes. Jon Oliver must be amazing during this pandemic.

Just started watching Home before Dark on AppleTV. It’s ( VERY) loosely based on the 9 year old reporter whose self published “ newspaper” scooped her local papers on reporting on a murder. It’s great.

And it’s inspiration, Hilde Lysiek ( named for the great woman reporter in His Girl Friday) , is also the youngest person to give a college commencement speech! The actress who plays her is the fabulous child who starred in The Florida Project.

I can’t believe I never watched The Office in all the years it was on. Now, 15 years after it debuted, I’m catching up on all 9 seasons on Netflix. It’s so good!

the office is a family favorite here! so glad you are discovering it!!
here’s a question for you:
Michael – or Dwight?

Zipped through both seasons of Dead To Me. Loved it.

Going to start new season of Working Moms this week.

My mother told me it looked like one of the actresses had a bad lip job, so now I’ll be all distracted by that.

Last night I caught up on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (my guilty pleasure.)Two of the model daughters of one of the Housewives are now “designers” and when they were getting the show together one of the I think real designers, had a mask on. It was a very chic chic one, lime green with gray ear loops and definitely professionally manufactured. This was filmed way before the CV-19 crisis. It was so weird to see knowing it was before all this.

Face masks have been on the runway and in fashion for several years now. Here’s one article from 2017:

I had no idea! I don’t follow runway fashion much as most of the stuff is unwearable IRL and I only flip through Vogue at the hair salon.

It was still weird seeing it on a show probably filmed 6 months ago as this epi was a few weeks after Fashion Week in NYC ( where another BH housewife had a show.)

Michael, definitely!

It’s not a binge watch but highly highly recommend the documentary Too Funny to Fail which is about the failure of The Dana Carvey show. That show is where Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert got their start. It’s on Hulu.

Just finished The English Game on Netflix. Liked this Julian Fellows series more than Belgravia–having trouble finding likable characters in Belgravia.

Just discovered Murdoch Mysteries. First TEN seasons on HULU.

Love Murdoch Mysteries! Yannick Bisson is great in them. I read that his daughters were in episodes and was racking my brain to remember which episode involved kids and then read that the daughter in that episode is now over 30! He had kids very young!

We just finished binging on four seasons of the Danish series “Seaside Hotel” based on a family recommendation. The premise:

Took a few episodes to get into it, then we couldn’t stop. If you don’t mind subtitles, this one is a fun romp.

(Haven’t read through this thread, so apology if this has already been mentioned.)

@ChoatieMom --where do you watch Seaside Hotel? Network? Streaming service?

Sorry, I forgot to add that we watch Seaside Hotel on Amazon Prime.

We watched the movie, The Invention of Lying (cute, funny, thought-provoking) a few days ago, and it reminded me that Ricky Gervais had a newish series called After Life on netflix. We binged both seasons over two days (short seasons) and I have a new respect for his acting. This is a touching drama, and he is terrific in it. I’m happy there will be another season in the future.

I live a sheltered life…or just a really busy one. I recently discovered “Parks and Recreation”, and I’m pretty confident my entire neighborhood can hear me crack up every night. Aside from my regular job, I’m a part-time swim coach (clearly not doing that now) and was knee deep into being the Head Coach for 2 high school teams and a club team when this show was popular. I had no time to breathe let alone devote to a show.

Now with this pandemic, I have a “break”. My co-coach (22 yrs. my junior) can’t believe I’ve never watched it, and has been begging me to watch it for 5 years. Now I text her every night and feel like I’m discovering the hottest thing on TV - haha. I will never hear “Get On Your Feet” by Gloria Esteban the same way again…and the Snake Juice episode was just brilliant.