Binge watched tv shows

We just finished watching all six seasons of The Americans and enjoyed it. Very satisfying yet unexpected ending.

We’re thinking of watching Better Call Saul or Friday Night Lights next.

I just finished The Americans this past week too! I stretched out the episodes because it was perfect for me to watch after a day/evening at work from home, to make a clean break from sessions with clients. I may start watching The Sopranos this coming week. I already watched (and loved) Friday Night Lights and tried Better Call Saul a while ago and it didn’t absorb me. Maybe I’ll try again.

abasket - I’m watching Instant Hotel on Netflix. It’s an Australian competition between Airbnb type property owners. I lived there after college, so it’s interesting to see the different areas and the prices.

I loved The Americans. We are watching His Dark Materials now. We are also watching Season 2 of Wynonna Earp. The first season was pretty good - this one is a hot mess.

Did anyone see Watchmen (the TV series not the movie)?

Just finished Perry Mason. Looking forward, and waiting, for season 2

Has anyone watched “Silent Witness”? Originally on BBC, seasons 1-22 out of 24 (!!!) on Amazon Prime. It got an intriguing review in the NY Times:

We just finished season 1 of Silent Witness. I just wish the episodes were an hour long instead of 90 mins, but it’s been good. They get into the personal lives of the main characters, not just the murder of the week. I just hope it doesn’t become formulaic as the seasons progress, altho we won’t be watching 22 seasons in a row.

@oldmom4896 @shellfell I am on season 18 of 24; it’s addictive.

Each episode is in two parts; each part is approx. one hour I love watching Tom Ward!

Just watched one episode of Silent Witness because it was mentioned on an Outlander Facebook group I’m on. It guest starred Tobias Menzies. I would watch him in anything. Proof of that is the series I’m currently watching on Amazon Prime, a 2010 BBC show, The Deep. Truly awful dialogue and cheesy special effects but a good cast-Minnie Driver, Goran Visnjic (ER), Sinead Cusack, and, Tobias.

Since the pandemic started I’ve binged Private Practice, The Handmaid’s Tale, The Politician, Little Fires Everywhere, The Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt, and now Dexter (which is really messing with my head because it is so dark).

I’ve also watch several documentaries like The Pharmacist, the David Foster doc, and the Jeffrey Epstein doc.

I enjoyed Britain’s Best Home Cook and caught up on the Great British Baking show. Best Home Cook wasn’t the greatest format but Mary Berry is always a pleasure to watch.

I try to alternate between lighthearted and dark so my next show will be a comedy, a spoof, or at least a lighter drama. I’m thinking Arrested Development, Girls, or Entourage as I never saw them in their entirety when they were on the first time.

When I had a dog I had a lovely young woman who would care for them (one at a time, but several dogs) when I would travel. We keep in touch - yesterday she texted me “have you seen ‘Dogs’ on Netflix? You must! Bring tissues.”

I watched the first episode, and I’m hooked!

I’ll be watching more, starting this evening (since Covid I only “allow” myself to turn on the TV after 8 pm). Not exactly a “binge” for me but I’ll bet it will be for someone!

I’ve basically binge watched every TV show on Netflix. Any genre, it doesn’t matter. Blacklist, POSE, Schitts Creek, everything. I love TV shows (it’s my only leisure activity, but it’s also why I get no sleep during the school year).

to the poster above who recommended Zero Zero Zero = THANKS! my DH is really enjoying it.

to “The Americans” fans - thanks for mentioning it again. I quit watching; but will go back.

to Millermom- we really liked Entourage when it originally played on HBO. One of the characters is called “E” - and from that we have called our daughter “D” for 15 years now. it’s sort of a guys version of “sex in the city.”

For the last few months, we’ve been watching West Wing (never watched when it was on TV) and have really enjoyed it. We’re now on Season 7 and hate that we’re reaching the end–anyone have a recommendation for other series that would appeal to political junkies?? (H watches MSNBC 24/7.)


We liked the few few seasons of Madame Secretary (we felt it got a bit too preachy towards the end of the run).

Also not quite as good as West Wing IMO but still enjoyable Aaron Sorkin wrote Newsroom which ran a couple of seasons on HBO.

We just cranked through the 8 episode of Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu). I read the book and I think this was the first time I ever liked the filmed version over the book. Was fun for us since we live in the place it is supposed to be set in. So we spent a lot of time going “yup! that’s us” or “nah…not even close.” It paints a not pretty picture of our community…mostly deserved. The weird part is my husband LOVED it. Didn’t see that one coming.

If you never watched Alpha House on Amazon Prime, it’s great fun. But there are only two seasons. And, of course, Veep on HBO. It took a while to grow on me, and quite outrageous, but watchable.

That was me! I’m glad he likes it :smile: !

@Bromfield2, have you already seen House of Cards? The first couple of seasons were good but it went downhill from there. Great for political junkies, though.

We are halfway through “The Woods”, a Netflix original Polish production of a Harlan Coben murder mystery. It suffers from bad dubbing so would probably be better with original language and subtitles. Not bad, it keeps us tuning in. We were happy to see the ad for season 5 of Rita.

“Halt and Catch Fire” on Netflix. it is 4 seasons. Originally on AMC from 2014 to 2017.
set back in early 80s about Tech industry in Dallas with fascinating characters and plot lines. Really well done. I am addicted.