Binge watched tv shows

Curious how you see it as satire, as I may be missing this aspect.
Do you mean in the way they make fun of how important appearance is?
The dialogues are overall well written and certainly lots of aspects are correct (rules of the ton, Queen Charlotte being Black, the craze for feathers) with clear fantasy thrown in ( seemingly biweekly printings of a scandal sheet at a time it was super labor intensive, some of the clothes). Some things are way off though. So, to me, it’s only vaguely accurate in a world building way, whereas I enjoy seeing Bath standing in for London.
Am still in episode 6, saw Daphne not realize (SPOILER)
killing the prize hog = feeding lots of people, so saving the animal from slaughter= no ham, sausages, etc. and no village feast. That did seem pretty in character for a girl who is going from being tops at being cunning about ton rules while remaining decorative and ignorant to being out of her depth, having to make decisions due to her title, without any actual background helping her.

Have come across This way up. Looks like a darker comedy.

Last night we finished Dash and Lily (Netflix, 8 short episodes, teen romantic comedy). It had lots of silliness and coincidences, but we really enjoyed it. There were many pretty NYC holiday outdoor scenes, fun for this season and also cool for us since we’ve been to NYC a few times at the holidays.

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We’ve not yet watched Bridgerton, but read an article recently discussing that Queen Charlotte may have been biracial. Accounts of her day describe her as having a “mulatto” appearance (their words, not mine), and she was related to the Portuguese royal family, which had intermarried with Moors.

The UK does have a policy that casting for TV and movies is done race-blind.

Charlotte’s 13-times-great-grandmother was Madragana, mistress of Afonso III of Portugal. Some believe that Madragana was a Moor. But to call Charlotte biracial or Black in the sense of Meghan Markle or Barack Obama is quite the stretch.

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Fair enough @skieurope. Maybe biracial was too strong a word, perhaps we say Charlotte was of mixed race, or not purely white? Trying to choose the right word.

Not that her racial make up matters, but the press has debated whether the producers trying to make a point with their casting choice, or was it just a result of the race-blind casting that is common in the UK.

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To be clear, I was not picking on you, but rather on the several articles that have appeared since Bridgerton was released.

As noted, UK tends to be race-blind in casting. I have not read the books, and I am only on episode 2, but there were no Black dukes, of Hastings or otherwise, in Regency England. But that does not diminish my enjoyment of the series so far.

Actually Bridgerton creators have noted that casting was “ race aware” as race is actually central to an important plot point which is not in the books . Spoiler below :

The plot point is that a black queen decided to provide hereditary rights to black people and bequeath them with titles and property. The Duke of Hastings father is so concerned that what was given can be taken away he has a pathological need for his heir to demonstrate perfection.


Thanks for spoiling :roll_eyes:

Don’t worry. It’s early.

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I’m Confused. Why would you read past “ spoiler ahead” if you didn’t want to know? Or are you one of those who believes that no one should have access to “ spoiler” info?

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Ii was being partly facetious. But t’s not like you left a huge white space to scroll through after the spoiler alert. I can see more than one word it a time on my screen.

But yes, I do believe that spoilers should not be in a “recommend me shows to watch” thread. If it were in a “discuss Bridgerton” thread, then a user who has not seen the series has only themself to blame if they find a spoiler. YMMV.

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OK. Finished all the episodes. The spoiler was exceedingly minor in retrospective. It’s not like you revealed the identity of Lady Whistledown. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Anyway, good series. I hope there’s a Season 2.

I also bInged The Flight Attendant after seeing Kaley Cuoco peddle it on Watch What Happens Live and I really recommend. She is much different than her past roles, and in a good way. I really liked the book, and this was one of the few adaptations that is a good as the original IMO. Again, hoping for a season 2.


I just listened to Kaley Cuoco talk about The Flight Attendant today on an Armchair Expert episode. It sounded like a good choice. She was the one who bought the movie rights to the book.


“Defending Jacob” has been very good thus far. It’s a crime drama - in the same wheelhouse as The Undoing.

Ted Lasso is the best thing I’ve seen on TV in awhile.

Also a big fan of Murder in Paradise, Midsomer Murders, Shakespeare and Hathaway


Am I the only one here enjoying Cobra Kai?


@mstee, I love Cobra Kai! I’ve watched the first two seasons and will probably be watching the new season soon.


We haven’t started season 3 yet, but really enjoyed the first two seasons of Cobra Kai.

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What is Cobra Kai about? It sounds like a martial art series to me :slight_smile:

Finally finished Bridgerton. I enjoyed episodes 7 and 8 more than 5 and 6.

Cobra Kai is the Karate Kid all grown up - with the original key actors as adults. Still involves martial arts and the original rivalry. We watched the first two seasons and will definitely watch the third.