Binge watched tv shows

I’ve been watching episodes of “Law & Order: UK” on ImdH channel. It’s fun to see actors who appeared on Downtown Abbey, Outlander and The Crown play other characters. Mr. Moseley played a rapist in one episode.


And DI Natalie Chandler (Harriet Walter) appeared in both Downton Abbey and The Crown.

Last night I saw Tobias Menzies (Prince Philip in The Crown) prosecute Ben Daniels (Tony Armstrong Jones in The Crown).


@TatinG Mr. Moseley, aka Kevin Doyle, also played a villain on Happy Valley, I believe.

I’m just finishing up the Law and Order UK series. Loved Bradley Walsh and the rest of the recurring cast, but was surprised not to find the show as successful, at least for me, as the original US version. Two things seemed lacking: the incidental characters interviewed by the detectives in each show (the bartenders, shopkeepers, office workers, etc.) didn’t make as much of an impression on me as the same characters in the original series. And the lead-in segment often didn’t include the sad/ironic/snappy line just before the title credits.

Of course, there was only one Lenny Briscoe, and no one delivered that kind of line like Jerry Orbach.


Since we are on British Shows - two that we have loved and are very different:

Last Tango in Halifax on Netflix - lovely family drama and a good escape and
Unforgotten on Amazon Prime - crime drama. Both have the same lead actress: Nicola Walker.

Also, highly enjoyed All Creatures Great and Small and Ms. Scarlett and the Duke - both PBS and on demand.

I believe I heard of all of these shows on this string :slight_smile: - Thank you.


I like the new season of Unforgotten (itv).
(I’m rooting for Liz not to be the culprit and as a result worry that she’ll be. Fact is, I just can’t see any of them being guilty of the crime, it’s too gruesome… whereas usually you can see all of them being guilty.)

Niche show: Still liking Resident Alien. If you like fish out of water comedy meets dark humor meets vaguely sci fi elements (ship, alien, government agents…) it should be your cup of tea. :wink:

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I’m going to have to try Law & order UK (I love the orig US version and can watch an episode any time of day or night!)

I watch a lot of British crime/cop show. After a while, I think you see pretty much every British actor. Huh…kinda like watching the US Law & Order now that I think of it :grinning:


Just finished Broadchurch–Yes, I’m late to this series, but have to say it’s been some of the best COVID watching for us. Olivia Coleman and David Tennant are both amazing actors. (Millah!!) I read that the series was meant to be a trilogy and that there won’t be a fourth season.


@Bromfield2 Broadchurch was an excellent series that we watched when it originally aired. Our family has loved David Tennant since we first saw him as Dr. Who back in 2005.


I read that they wanted another season but Tennant was not interested.

Who is watching the Stanley Tucchi Italy series? I am not one to often choose a documentary but I think this is fantastic - the food, but not just the food - the culture, the history, the stories.


I have loved the Stanley Tucci’s Searching for Italy. I have seen all of the episodes that have aired and there don’t seem to be more right now. Hoping from how they introduce that he is visiting the 20 regions of Italy that there will be more after the pandemic subsides. I put it on the radar of both kids & their spouses with no takers until I watched part of the Sicily episode at D & SIL’s house Sunday evening. All of a sudden they became interested and SIL said he needed to go back to watch them all since he has traveled to several of the regions. Several articles I have read (Vulture; WaPo) talk about how soothing and smart it is. I completely agree with @abasket - it is a wonderful representation of food, culture, history, etc.

Also, I didn’t really know Stanley before - he seems so likeable!

If you don’t know Italy (which I can’t say I knew the variety of culture there before watching) it isn’t all pizza and pasta!

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We loved Season 1, but weren’t really enjoying Season 2 and stopped watching.

Shtisel Saeson 3 has been released! As far as Stanley Tucci, I’ve never been a fan of food travel shows, but I love this one. A nice mix of everything,

@simba9 If you have a trial for Apple, I recommend The Morning Show too. I broke my 8 year old phone in Dec. which is the only reason I got Apple TV. New phone, got an email I thought was spam and luckily showed one of my sons. One year trial of Apple! So glad we got to see Ted Lasso and The Morning Show, both excellent imho.


He’s my favorite Doctor! Also, my favorite Hamlet. :heart:


Thanks!! We meant to watch for Stanley Tucci’s show but forgot. We’ll check it out this weekend.

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My husband and I watched all the Stanley Tucci episodes and enjoyed them. I’ve never been to Italy (or Europe, for that matter) but decided if I ever make it, I’d rather eat in Tuscany than Sicily.

It’s good we can see who is replying to whom. Otherwise I might have thought Stanley Tucci was someone’s favorite Doctor Who! He actually might have fit well as an early era Doctor. But yes, Doctor Ten was also my favorite although Doctor Thirteen is right up there at the top.