Binge watched tv shows

I really enjoyed Hinterland. And Shetland is good. The books were very enjoyable. Her other novels were made into Vera, which is split between Britbox and Acorn.

We just got done with Mystery Road, which is set in the Australian outback. So it was a very interesting and unknown setting. 2 seasons, but there were 2 movies beforehand. The series were on Acorn but the movies are on Prime.

My wife and I watched Hinterland. I enjoyed it, but sometimes found the plot twists and turns difficult to follow. We joked that the rural Welsh region where it was shot must have had a higher homicide rate than Baltimore.

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Everybody Loves Raymond has one of my favorite lines of any TvShow.

Ray is having a midlife crisis. His wife asks Ray, a Sportswriter, about what he really might want to do with his life. ā€œYouā€™re a writer. Maybe you want to write the Great American Novel?ā€

Ray: ā€œI donā€™t even want to READ The Great American Novel!ā€

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Without revealing spoilers, what I liked about Hinterland is that the case from episode 1 kept coming up again and again, to be finally fully resolved in the final episode.

I watched some of Hinterland, but thought Shetland was better. It is the rare case where I thought the film adaptation was better than the books. If you like Hinterland or Broadchurch look up Shetland, too.

Several of our fave COVID binges have been mentioned. We couldnā€™t go too dark (watched Broadchurch and Shetland pre-COVID). We liked The Good Place, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (could there be a more perfect premise for lockdown than breaking out of the bunker), Kimā€™s Convenience, The Goldbergs, Freaks & Geeks, too.

We also did quite a lot of Great British Baking Show (Bakeoff) and a little Gordon Ramsey. I keep wanting to watch that Stanley Tucci show, but not sure anyone else is into it and I like to watch with the fam.

We watched some of the Watchmen, but it was very heavy during a very heavy time. I will go back and finish it at some point, though. We watched the Mandolorian. We are always watching Bobā€™s Burgers and King of the Hill.

We watched the UK series Motherland (not to be confused with the other Motherland). Watched Raised By Wolves (UK show again) ā€” pretty raunchy and hilarious. I think our fave (or at least the fave of the moment) is Derry Girls, though. That show could not be more perfect. Eagerly awaiting the 3rd and final season.

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@Sweetgum , agree 100%, in that Shetland > Hinterland. Shetland has its light moments, whereas Hinterland was bleak, bleak, bleak. In Shetland we would look forward to the moments when Duncan and Jimmy would bicker like they were a couple over raising Cassie. Sandy and Tosh are likeable characters, as well. The last season of Shetland aired in 2019ā€”two more were approved, but I assume COVID got in the way.


I read that Shetland season 6 had started shooting a few weeks ago :smiley::+1:

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Derry Girls is, indeed, perfect! Not sure Iā€™ve ever laughed that muchā€“canā€™t wait for the last season!


Have you heard that S3 of Derry Girls will be the last? Given that the plots are moving forward in time, it would make sense, I guess. Could not watch Bridgerton without referring to the actress from Derry Girls as the ā€œwee lesbianā€!!


Weā€™re currently binge watching Peaky Blinders and Kimā€™s Convenience. Theyā€™re very different shows, but it works for us. Weā€™re almost to the end of PBā€™s season 3 and will finish the season. Then weā€™ll probably take a break from it and return to PB after we watch the second season of Lupinā€¦which is available today!


Yes the Derry Girls creator said from the beginning that there would only be 3 seasons and she had no interest in continuing the characters after school.

Iā€™m currently rewatching Brothers and Sisters on Hulu! What a great show, even the 2nd time around. I wish I belonged to a family like that.

Finished Halston, really liked it. Wonderful acting, fun to watch! Lots of sex, so beware if you arenā€™t into that type of show.

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I LOVE British cop shows. Canā€™t wait for more Endeavor episodes. We enjoyed Scott & Bailey and Hinterland.


We are binging our way through the new marvel shows- first wandavision, now falcon and winter soldier, and in about a week we will move on to Loki. The first two are very good in very different ways. I havenā€™t like Elizabeth Olsenā€™s character prior to this show- or rather her portrayal of her- but this is good!


Loved Wandavision. Thought Falcon and the Winter Soldier was just OK.

I have never been a big fan of Thor and the whole Asgardian story in the comics, but I have to say that I really enjoyed the first episode of Loki.

My daughter has the biggest crush on sabastian stan, so we were never getting out of watching. I thought it was the like an actual marvel movieā€¦ but with room in the tv format to be a slower build.

Lupin part 2 is out!


I just realized that! Going to finish the last 3 of Season 2 Broadhurst and then switch to Lupin.

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Iā€™m happy to learn there will be another season of Derry Girls. We only learned about the show thanks to a GBBO special. After we watched Derry Girls, we had to watch the GBBO special again. Loved both.

My later childhood/adolescence was spent in an area where all of the priests had been born in Ireland. Some of them brought The Troubles with them and even did fund raising to support relatives back home who were involved. H grew up with American-born diocesan priests and Jesuits, so he was pretty shocked.

@happy1 - YES!! I was just coming here to mention Lupin (Netflix). We loved Lupin season 1 (6 shows), and now season 2 is available. Lupin takes place in Paris, a plus for us since we visited for a week in 2018 and enjoy reminiscing. It has some of the same vibe as british procedurals, but it is not quiet as bleak as some of the murder-intensive mysteries.