Binge watched tv shows

I also was drawn in after spending a week in Paris in 2018, plus in the first season, it ends at Etratat which we also visited! And yes, i little less bleak feeling (she says, mired in Broadchurch).

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I forgot to mention that the Lupin (Netflix) show that takes place in France is in French. We run it with English subtitles. But we also do that for most of the UK shows too.


I do that with most US shows. :joy:


I watch everything with subtitles now. We got into the habit because my H is partially deaf. With Lupin, you can watch it in terrible dubbed English, but why would anyone?


I watch everything with subtitles too- I am partially deaf and wear hearing aids.

Somehow Netflix really wants me to watch Turkish shows-- it is always showing up on my suggested feed. So I relented and am watching a show called Intersection. It’s only ok- but I am still going to watch it.


We are really enjoying Lupin. Hubby has been doing Duolingo French daily throughout Covid isolation, so he understands some of the French dialog. I need to totally rely on the subtitles, and it’s been fine by me. Admittedly part of the appeal is seeing scenery that we’ve seen in person. But I guess the main thing I like is there is mystery without endless gruesome murders. And sometimes a bit of humor too.


Enjoyed the first season of Lupin. Perhaps it’s just me, but the second season is not at all as enjoyable. Over top with plot holes everywhere…I find myself shaking my head and asking why I am still watching.


I just came here to see that I watched the first episode last night and did not really enjoy it. Did not have the elements of wit and cleverness I expected. SPOILER ALERT:

Edit: Can’t get it to put a big space here, so I’ll edit to say, one long type of scene and then ending which I have qualms with and ideas about.

Hopefully that’s vague enough.

I’ll watch the next but hope it improves.


We finished re-watching Mad Men and have now started Downton Abbey. It has been a long time since we have seen the first season and it is very enjoyable the second time around. H and I also liked Halston although it might not be everyone’s cup of tea.


Anybody watching Manifest (Netflix)? A friend recommended it, and Netflix indicated it was #1 in popularity. After one episode, I’m intrigued… hubby was not a fan, but I think I talked him into watching at least one more episode before deciding if it is a keeper or not.

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There was a desperate message by the producers (and fans) a couple days ago, because Season 3 ends on a cliffhanger and they were not allowed to complete the storylines before getting cancelled. The fact it’s #1 on Netflix right now lets them hope they’ll be able to get a short renewal, perhaps from Netflix, so that they can finish the show and offer Netflix a “complete series”.


@showmom858 (sorry I can’t reply directly from your post - for some reason can’t do that on my desktop!) I just started the 6th season of Madmen last night. I’ve always heard that the finale was among the best in all of television so I’m so curious how it will end. It is such an interesting show - I sometimes have to remind myself that it was written and produced recently and NOT in the 60’s! I admit to really liking the early seasons and all the set and scene details that reflected life in the early 60’s.


madmen does have a really cohesive ending. it’s surprising how they can tie up so many parts. we loved that show; and probably preferred the earlier seasons. hope to hear your thoughts when you’re done!


When you are done with DA - here’s my question: Madmen – or DA? :upside_down_face: they are both so good, but so very different!

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Has anybody else watched “The Affair?” I have mixed feelings about it. It is very well written and acted, but it’s kind of depressing. I don’t think there’s a single likeable character on the show! But I just finished all five seasons. Several actors got Golden Globes for their performances.

i, too, found The Affair very dark.

I loved my rewatch of Downton. The first time I watched it alone and last year watched it with DH. He loved it.

Yes, very fun ending to Mad Men. I hope it’s not disappointing to you now that you’ve read its great.

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I love Madmen and that’s one of the reasons we decided to re-watch it. Downton was watched by us on PBS weekly and at some points we got bored with it when it first aired. I definitely like watching a couple of episodes each night.

We watched the first episode of Mainifest and I don’t know if we will keep watching.

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