Binge watched tv shows

You just inspired me with “The Heart Of Darkness” quote to binge watch my “Apocalypse Now” box set.

5 hours of Colonel Kurtz, the smell of napalm in the morning, and Charlie doesn’t surf.

A personal favorite to break out once a decade.

Another new British crime drama that we like a lot is Grace adapted from from the Roy Grace novels. The adaptation was done by Russell Lewis, the guy who did Endeavor. So far, the first two episodes were worth watching.

If you google, you need to type in something like, “British TV show Grace” to get to the the right one.

Where we lived there were only 2 networks (no NBC unless you had a HUGE antenna and perfect weather) so we had cable - one of the early families to get it. My father couldn’t live without NBC because of football.

The cable had about 9 stations I think, as we also got PBS and WGN from Chicago (Blackhawks and Cubs games). We definitely had to wait the week for the new episodes, but also had to hope the cable didn’t ‘go out’ as it often did because of weather.

Here I am, 50 years later. A survivor. And I do remember the Heidi game as we had a den full of grown men screaming at the TV - “no, no, nooooo”

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A remember as a kid reading in My Weekly Reader in school about this new thing they were calling CATV that would bring TV to remote and/or mountainous areas where signals are weak.

Fast forward 50+ years, and we have family who live in a mountainous area where TV reception is lousy. Cable TV is not available there—not enough houses to make it profitable!!! So much for seeing into the future.

At least satellite is available.


I love Unforgotten. I’ve watched “series 4” twice. It’s a bit different from the other ones because it’s the last one I think.

Wrt Line of Duty season 6 (SPOILERISH)
Even if THEY had 7 years between the two Ryans Kate and Steve figured it out! (Episode 3)
And I really like Jo (well, the way the actress portrays her): she’s definitely a villain but she is a villain who hates being a villain and is very smart, plus, the accent. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: (a sado masochistic* machiavellian Scot?!)
(* keeps doing things she hates to do and which she shouldn’t be doing)


Nope. Unforgotten will be back for Season 5 (or Series 5, in Brit-speak).

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I grew up with no TV at all when we lived in Africa, and TV only in Japanese when we lived in Japan. I remember getting our first color TV set. (And also our first TV video game - Pong.)

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Yup,I believe them. Same here in the states for me.

One of the clues on Jeopardy! last night.

I thought Season 4 was the last one for Unforgotten. Glad it’s not.

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Both ITV, and creator Chris Lang, have confirmed that Unforgotten will return for another season.


Jo (in Line of Duty)’s accent reminds me of the accent characters in Shetland speak. Shetland is another very good show.


This reminds me of my childhood and may explain why I spent an unusual amount of time in 3 activities: Reading, Playing Sports, and Working.

We had one TV and no need for a remote control–which had not yet been invented–because we received only one TV station = NBC.


Yeah, I forgot to mention that they said they had to actually go to the TV and twist a knob to change the channel.

I can’t wait to tell my kids how tough I had it. :rofl:


I love Shetland – I think it’s actually better than Line of Duty! But I admit to using Closed Caption, I find the accent much more pronounced than Jo’s in Line of Duty.


@skieurope: perhaps they’ll think having huge flat screen TVs with 100s channels is a sign of the overindulgence that characterized the early 21st century, before Zoomers righted things to prevent the planet from dying/killing us, or before they ended up in this mess of perpetual climate catastrophes that make flatscreen TVs odd, in the way 60s cars are today- " why did you need 100 channels? Didnt you think WE would need electricity, too?"

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Ugh. You turned me on to this show and it’s leaving Netflix today! I have thus been binge watching all week in every spare minute! One non-spoiler comment. Why does he have so many coats? I mean would someone in his circumstances have like 7 coats? Seems unlikely. Lol. Other than that which bugs me somehow I love this show!

@maya54, you’re talking about Hinterland, correct? If so, you HAVE to make it to the final episode----avoiding spoilers, it ties all the loose ends together.

Yes. Hinterland. You have to click on the message I’m replying to in order to tell that. And I’m devoting today to it. Oh also why does everyone wear coats with a hood but no one ( who’s not trying to conceal their identity) USES the hood in the rain? Bet THAT mystery isn’t solved in the finale. Lol.

I grew up with three channels and a knob. I raised my kids without any screens at all, no tv, no computer, no smart phones. Pros and cons to that approach. Now, we mostly all watch things on our computers. Grateful for screens during COVID!

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