Binge watched tv shows

Please report back… .looking for a new series.

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Not a binge watch per se, but our local PBS station has been running The Indian Doctor. 3 seasons, 5 episodes per season, made around 2015. The actor who plays Sonny in Unforgotten plays an Indian doctor who moves to a Welsh mining village after its elderly doctor passes away. Takes place in the 1960’s. Season 2 deals with a smallpox outbreak that is VERY similar to what we’ve all been living through. Lots of Welsh actors, gorgeous scenery, great show. It might be available on Acorn or Britbox.


Thanks, will try it

Felt the same way after the first two. However, enjoyed episodes 3 and 4 much more and am now anxiously looking forward to the release of 5 on Wednesday.

Just binge watched “The English Game” on Netflix - didn’t think I’d be interested but started it yesterday early morning while working in the kitchen and have something on in the background. Quit my chorse, sat down and watched all 6 episodes - I think it’s a mini-series and is over, but really qyite good.


I am a relatively new fan of English Premier League soccer and The English Game helped me understand the mindset of English fans, who feel the team belongs to them, not the uber-rich team owners, many of whom are non-English. Helped to frame the “attempted coup” last spring by 6 teams who tried to secede and form a European super-league with French, Spanish, and Italian teams. There were literally riots at stadiums (Manchester).


We watched it on a bargain temporary Acorn subscription so that we could finish Doc Martin, which we stopped seeing when it left free streaming a few years ago. Seeing the Indian Doctor was a bonus, and yes, the episodes about smallpox were eerily familiar.

I really enjoyed The Indian Doctor and wish there were more seasons.

Binge watched The Chair as well. That first faculty meeting- some looked exactly like the ones in the first college I worked at! I was one of only two women and the only nonwhite person in the department. Loved the Sandra Oh character but the boyfriend just showed no real growth.

The older American lit prof - sadly, so many like that in real life. I really feel tenure should expire after x number of years where x is around 30 or 35 years or so. These folks sit on powerful committees and block so many things. Especially at teaching colleges like mine.


Found a good Brit offering. We are enjoying it. Just enough humor and mystery. “New Tricks”.


Yea, we love New Tricks. A mystery series, but very light/comedic with a bit of a Grumpy Old Men feel. The longer we watch, the more we enjoy the chemistry among the cast.

@Colorado_mom I’ve watched 4 episodes of Nine Perfect Strangers. I read the book a couple of years ago and really liked it even though it had more “suspense” than I normally go for in a novel.

The tv series is a little creepy/suspenseful! Not the kind of show I’d normally watch cause I’m a wimp on tv/movies but I will finish it because I know how the story goes because of the book.

Nicole Kidman is eerily good in her role. The cast of characters really holds my interest. The show very much reminds me of a Big Little Lies vibe. In fact, the theme song is SO similar to me!


Something about the accents that Nicole Kidman does is just a big nope for me. I think she pretty much always sounds fake/wrong. I almost want to watch it just for the rest of the cast, but the reviews are so bad. I might give it a shot once all episodes are out in case it’s an easy binge.


Yeah what’s up with the accent?! Is it like her natural accent on overdrive?!! I didn’t even realize all episodes aren’t out yet. I’m not an often binger so don’t always know how these things work!

I think because I read the book I’m always really curious how close the movie/series stays to the book.

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They’re not all out- I just meant that I was going to wait. Ha!

I liked The Chair mostly. I’ve worked for many years in a staff position in a large (much larger than it used to be) university so higher academia is familiar to me. I think it tried to be both funny and tackle serious contemporary issues and sometimes the combination of that didn’t work too well. Adding in the rom com plot was a lot for such short episodes. Could have done without the David Duchovny (NYT best selling author!) plotline - why him?? I liked the daughter. And Joan. I’m really wondering how they will do a Season 2 though since Dr. Ji-Yoon Kim is no longer The Chair. Will it be about the position or Sandra Oh’s character?

Also, I just finished The Morning Show before starting The Chair and was amused to find out that the actors who play Chip on The Morning Show and Bill on The Chair are brothers.


I enjoy both of the Duplass brothers. The first time I saw them was when they acted together on The Mindy Project. I’ve seen Chip in several things since then (including The Morning Show), but this is the first I’ve seen Jay in something else. Jay certainly brings the “wild” to the character of Bill!

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Sorry - can you please put a spoiler warning in the future before divulging a major plot point for a show that just started streaming? I just started watching The Chair (two episodes in) and am disappointed to come onto CC and find out how it ended - kind of ruined it for me, to be honest.


I’m enjoying the Indian Doctor but I can only get Season 1 on Amazon Prime. So I’m back to trying to find the rest of the seasons. As far as I can tell, I have to get an Acorn subscription or watch it on my small device on PBS. I think I can also subscribe to YouTube TV. I don’t want all those subscriptions so I give up😆

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You can cast it from your small device to any size TV you want. If you have a smart TV, it will have a cast function somewhere. If not, you can get a chromecast device that hooks to your TV for $30ish. The video playing on your small device likely has a cast icon. Click that to watch on the cast function on your bigger device.