Binge watched tv shows

@Snowdog I can remember at least one sex scene between Frank and Claire that was just the two of them. I don’t see either lack of children or sleeping in separate bedrooms as proof of being gay instead of bi. Both those things apply to a lot of couples and in Frank and Claire’s case I think its more a product of self-focus, ambition, and Claire not wanting to ruin that body of hers. I agree that the affair with the journalist in season 1 was driven by power plays but he was attracted to her nonetheless. Found this online which seems spot on. People’s - and tv characters! :wink: -sexual preferences don’t always fit into the boxes labels provide.

I don’t remember F&C getting together but do remember a kiss with the security guy-??
The writers left a lot of mystery about why they’re together, from the get-go. The reporter was early, these other subtexts came later.

I only watched the first season, but there was a college reunion during which reference is made about a gay relationship in college.

Good because I never said that :wink: but let’s just say Frank and Claire no longer have a strong physical attraction, if they ever did. And the writers made it obvious that Frank had a same-sex relationship at The Citadel or whatever the show calls it. I agree with @lookingforward that the Frank-Claire connection is somewhat of a mystery, seemingly based on mutual unfettered ambition. Although I believe Claire left him in last season’s finale-

I have binge watched several shows during the last 12 months.

I think ‘The Man in the High Castle’ is my favorite.

Just watched the episode before the series finale. I have not seen the series finale yet. That’s the only one I haven’t watched yet. I made plans tonight. I would like to cancel them so I can watch the series finale but I can’t. I am just going to have to delay gratification and watch later. :slight_smile:

I must say…the actress who plays Julianna is absolutely gorgeous. The definition of gorgeous.

The two actors who play Joe and Frank are very good looking too but I care less about that. :slight_smile:

I loved that show too. A friend gave me the book and I looked ahead a bit to know that the series only goes about halfway through the book at this point. Yay for more seasons!

Also, I didn’t like Frank at first but he started growing on me. The way he would schlump around with his big glasses and trench coat, bloody and bruised in the rain - he just reminded me of a graphic novel anti-hero. I love the old Japanese man with his I Ching too. And the Swede who might not be a Swede. They’re all good!

I am watching Mozart in the Jungle following rave reviews from here. I enjoyed the first few episodes. Now I am onto Season 2 but losing interest. The show doesn’t seem to have anything to say other than isolated eccentric incidents and women sleeping around with their bosses. I find that a bit offensive.

The second season of Bosch just launched.(Amazon Prime) We binge watched the first one and got hooked. We are not basketball fans so it is just in time for March Madness :slight_smile:

I did watch the first episodes of the new HoC and thought Ellen Burstyn was fabulous.

Binge watching HoC this weekend…Ellen is incredible…In my next life, I want to look like Claire

Does anyone watch “Black Sails” on Starz…I am addicted.

New Netflix user. I’ve been binging OITNB but now live tennis is getting in the way. HoC is next.

I’d be happy just to have Claire’s posture :wink:

Well, she is Princess Buttercup, after all…

Just watched the last episode of season 1 of The Man in the High Castle.

Fantastic show!

Looking forward to season 2.

@dstark, what channel or network is “The Man in the High Castle” ?


Amazon Prime.

I want to look like Claire – and have her wardrobe!

I was thinking the same thing @katliamom and since @patsmom mentioned the posture (you need that for the whole look to come together) I want that too. But I must admit, I can’t imagine living in heels as she does.

I just finished season 4 of HOC this afternoon. Claire’s clothes are great, but I dislike her more and more each season. Ellen Burstyn was wonderful as her mother in this season. I thought season 4 was better than season 3, but I’m tired of this show. I do want to know how it ends though, so I wish they would just do a 2 hour movie and wrap it up for good.