Binge watched tv shows

Fall TV preview
So far, I’ve tried:
The Wonder Years
Ordinary Joe
Our Kind of People

The Wonder Years: I absolutely LOVED the original Wonder Years so the reboot has a hard job convincing me :slight_smile: especially since now I’m an adult (the time period hardly registered back then - I don’t think I’ve actually rewatched since then). The pilot was pilot-y, felt too short with more story to tell, so I will stick with it. I don’t know how well it can depict Alabama in 1968 for a Black middle class/upper middle class family while remaining a dramedy rather than being a drama.

Ordinary Joe: I really wanted to like that one b/c I really liked Awake, Counterpart, etc, but so far I didn’t find it compelling. I know the fun is in finding the parrallels (like, Joe-cop wasn’t there to protect someone, so Joe-nurse sees him at the hospital) but I didn’t find them intriguing enough. If you saw it, what did you think? If you heard about future episodes, does it get more momentum or is it just 3 stories running in parrallel? Should I stick with it?

Our Kind of People: good premise but it’s rich people/high octane drama between Dynasty and Empire (okay, don’t kill me fans of Dynasty or Empire, I only lasted 1 episode for each of these shows). I guess there’s a place for it on TV but not my thing.

I found Ordinary Joe to be confusing!

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I liked two British series so much that when I got to the end I started back at the beginning and watched them again. The first is Shakespeare and Hathaway and the second is Good Karma Hospital.

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A few people here mentioned Call My Agent a while back. I’m only four episodes in, but it is delightful! Great characters, great plots, great writing. So much more “real” Paris than “Emily In” was. Looking forward to months of entertainment. (Also, yay for subtitles! My creaky French couldn’t begin to follow the dialogue!)


I wanted to like Ordinary Joe, it’s just my kind of premise, but the show did not pull me in.


Has anyone watched Click Bait on Netflix (8 episodes)? Overall, I was disappointed. I shouldn’t say more because I’ll be in spoiler territory.

If you can handle violence, Squid Game was a good watch.


We are on episode 4 of Click Bait. So far it is keeping our interest.

We just finished and enjoyed Click Bait. It won’t win any awards, but it was fun and different. But I can see why some might be disappointed.

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I watched the final episode of Nine Perfect Strangers tonight. I think the episode was just released so I won’t make any spoiler comments except that for me it was a creepy series! More creepy than the book.

If anyone does post spoilers I suggest saying SPOILER and then leaving some space in your thread so people have to scroll down to read….

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On PBS this Sunday night, both Call The Midwife and Grantchester return.


Don’t know if it’s been mentioned - “Hacks” on HBOMax is really great! Jeanne Smart is a acerbic, veteran comedian who starts working with a young, indie comedy writer. So well-done, sharply-acted, thoughtful, and funny.


A second vote for Hacks. I’m surprised this did not get more buzz. I never even knew about it until the Emmys.


I tried to watch Hacks during my carrier’s free HBO Max weekend, but only the first episode was available. Loved the first episode though! I don’t understand why all episodes of some shows are available during their free previews (such as The White Lotus and Mare of Easttown) while others are not (Hacks, The Flight Attendant). Thinking I might need to subscribe so that I can finish watching Hacks, but will probably wait until Dune and 3rd season of Succession are out.


We finished both Click Bait and Nine Perfect Strangers this week. We liked Click Bait and Nine Perfect Strangers ended up better than it started (I had read the book).

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Replying to my own thread, Squid Game should be watched with subtitles, not with dubbing, makes a big difference!


I don’t think this is a spoiler for Nine Perfect Strangers but scroll down if you don’t like ANY comment on a finale before you’ve watched it….

For a moment in the last episode there was a scene - something that had been missing in the book but now was somewhat revived in the series that made me think they were setting us up for a season 2 - however I think it officially wrapped up!

I don’t post much any more, but really - has no one watched “Midnight Mass”?!

We just finished Midnight Mass. I loved the first 3 episodes and then it went in a direction that interests me less. We were compelled to finish it and I thought the acting was great.

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I liked it all - but I’m a sucker for religion-spiked-with-spookiness. Plus, I loved the soundtrack and the acting!