Binge watched tv shows

just started The Maid (netflix) over the weekend. I like it.

I’m looking forward to that- I love Billy Burke as an actor and have been following since I heard he was in it. It’s getting some amazing reviews.

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I just finished The Maid. I skipped episode 8 because it became too harrowing.
I really liked it. The young actress looks like a teenager and it matters in making the story more poignant and more believable in its highs and lows.

Halfway through. That was a little spoilery. Maybe didn’t want to know that.

To be clear, this wasn’t a spoiler about 8 in particular:
if you made it to episode 5, you know it’s harrowing even if they manage hopeful moments. That shouldn’t be a spoiler. It’s harrowing within the first 20mn of the first episode. It’s like a fiction from a documentary.
But if you’re binge watching it, it’s eye opening and Infuriating and so realistic I felt exhausted for Alex
 the experience requires some adjustment. That’s why I decided to skip.
Some may go 5-6 one day, 7-8 another day, 9-10 another day
 and be OK. I wouldn’t recommend going 5-10 in a day though.

That makes sense, thanks. It is definitely harrowing all along the way. I sort of know the writer i whose book it was based on in the online world–Some of the details were changed, but the basics of how awful we treat low income people, especially women with kids, are definitely true and what she experienced.


I finished episode 6 last night. I agree with the assessment that I just feel exhausted for Alex.

Overall, I am really enjoying it, but yeah
it is definitely not something I think I could binge all at once. Too much heaviness.

It reminds me so much of that Barbara Ehrenreich book, Nickled and Dimed.

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Because the actress does look like a teenager I was shocked to start the book this weekend and learn that the author was almost 30 when she had her child. It definitely colored how I felt about her plight especially her feelings towards her parents.

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They call her 25 on the show and I believe Stephanie Land was 28. Really doesn’t seem like a meaningful difference to me. Not sure how it colors your feelings about it.

I bought a new ipad and got 3 months Apple TV. We’ve wanted to watch Ted Lasso, so now’s the chance. So far we really like the show. It’s nice to have a 30 minute comedy in our rotation.

We really enjoyed Call the Midwife and are awaiting season 10. Hubby discovered we had somehow missed Season finale/Christmas show
 what a treat to watch that!

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Not bragging but I got a year free Apple TV with my new iPad late this summer - I bought from Costco. Don’t know if that matters. Any chance yours is actually more than 3 months?!

This could be spoiler-ish re Maid so avoid if worried about that


I missed the part about her being 25. Moreover even then this woukd have meant getting pregnant at around age 21 as her child was already 3. Very different than 28 to me

But The actress looks very young. I had assumed the character got pregnant at 18
 was now only 21 and thus never had an opportunity to get herself together before having a kid and grew up without any stability in her life. In the book she grew up in a stable middle class home, basically says that at 28 she liked to waitress, earn some cash and then take time off to travel and have fun. A perfectly acceptable choice but I think the decision to have a child
as a single mother
 at that point was a particularly bad one by someone old enough to know better.

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Just finished it. Wow. Loved that Alex is Andie MacDowell’s daughter in real life. Andie’s character reminds me a LOT of my husband’s sister - so many similarities. Makes me feel more for my SIL’s grown kids.


I loved Margaret Qualley in the role. Her mother is an actress I often find incredibly annoying but she was great in the role here.


Thank you everyone for putting Maid on my radar. I am going to watch this, but may have to watch it without H as he does not like Andie MacDowell’s acting at all.

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My email offer after purchase of new ipad ($329) said “new device includes Apple TV+ free for 3 months”. Now when hubby went to set it up on our TV he thinks that maybe(?) he was already unknowingly eligible under his sign on. Not sure how it all work, just happy to start watching Ted Lasso. Coincidentally the day after watching Episode 1 my sister said, “there is a show we like that I keep forgetting to mention

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I stumbled on Maid without knowing it was on this thread. Really liked it. I don’t like Andie MacDowell at all but I think that helped in watching this as one is on guard for her character to do just about anything. I think your husband, @showmom858, would enjoy not liking her in this show!

I, too, watched thinking the main character was 21 so gave her credit for being younger. It often takes those who move around a lot longer to finish hs or get started in life, so I understand her being 25 in the series and even older in real life (the book).

The one thing that really bothered me was that many of the characters drove cars I didn’t think they could afford, and there always seemed to be a car seat available for the 3 year old, even in a taxi. I work with kids in the foster car system and the car seat is always a big issue as I won’t drive them without one, and their parents don’t care and never seem to have them.


It’s my understanding after June or July, purchases of iPads, maybe iPhones too, come with 3 months of Apple TV.
Last March I bought a new one, and came with 12 months Apple TV. - Ted lasso, The. Morning Show , and even Schmigadoon so worth it !

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I bought my iPhone12 mini in April and got the full year of Apple+. And have been watching those exact shows - plus Foundation!

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. in April I bought an iphone 12 mini and an ipad for my dad at Verizon. I don’t remember having an offer - will check back in old emails etc.

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