Binge watched tv shows

@sweetgum - you/your family might enjoy Schitt’s Creek (funny, lots of heart - hang in there past the first two episodes!). I’ll second The Good Place - funny and smart!


Thirding The Good Place!
For Schitt’s Creek, my recommendation is to watch Season 1 episode 1, skipping straight to Season 1 episodes 12&13 then going straight to Season 2 episode 1 and no longer skipping. (Episode 12 is mostly because later seasons will highlight changes in the chracters as well as in the town and family dynamics that are obvious in that episode. Episode 13 because it’s basically Season 2 episode 1’s prequel :stuck_out_tongue: )
Remember: not all small towns are picturesque, not all people who live in small towns are charming and folksy. Let the show grow on you and by season 6 you’ll be very sad to know it’s the last season.


It’s been mentioned before, but Kim’s Convenience—very heartwarming sitcom about a family of Korean immigrants running a store in Toronto. Kids were born in Canada, so culture clashes, etc.


The kids weren’t into Schitt’s Creek, but I enjoyed it. I think H watched all of it already, though. We loved Kim’s Convenience, too, and The Good Place. I think Derry Girls may be one of my favorite shows ever. So pitch perfect, or at least to me, being an American and not from Derry.

@ChancellorGH I think you go darker than I do, but I’ve watched a few of those. Can’t agree with all of them. D22 and I tried to watch Big Little Lies after both enjoying the book and we really hated what they did with it.


Lol yes … my tastes are eclectic. I like all kinds of things … I accidentally left off Schitt’s Creek from my list.

“The Widower” a Brit mini series. Based on a true story.

I just finished watching both seasons of The Great and although it was not at all what I expected, I really liked it. It doesn’t hew close to history at all - in fact by the end of the second season, the tag line changes from ‘An Occasionally True Story’ to ‘An Almost Entirely Untrue Story’. The series was created by Tony McNamara who was one of the writers for the movie, The Favourite. Although The Favourite got great reviews and was nominated for a number of Oscars, and I love Rachel Weisz, Emma Stone and Olivia Coleman, I was disappointed in the movie - can’t put my finger on why but the tone was off and the characters doing horrible things translated into my not liking any of the characters. The Great seems like it is better executed, and the satire sharper and very funny and clever. Even with the characters doing horrible things, you are still attached to them and rooting for them. I would highly recommend this show as it is unlike anything else on TV.


I did not realize the second season dropped. Thanks. Something to add to the list. I enjoyed the first season, but definitely don’t go in expecting an accurate lesson in Russian history. :grin:



Well, that was quite a cliffhanger on Shetland. I can’t believe we need to wait another year.

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Oh dear, we’ve been enjoying Shetland. Perhaps we’d better not go to quickly through the episodes.

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Weren’t they filming 6 and 7 back-to-back? I was hoping for Shetland to return in early 2022.
Lots of cliffhangers actually! :grimacing::grimacing:

Have you tried Dalgliesh? Takes place in 1975. Golly, how drab was England then! :no_mouth: It’s on Acorn.

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Yes, but they film each 2-season arc of The Crown back-to-back, and there is still a year gap between seasons with the same cast.

Yeah, but you know the one to which I was referring.

No. I will check that out after I finish the second season of The Great.

Well, let us cross our fingers then.
Yes, I know what cliffhanger you mean. :grimacing: But I like how there’s a cliffhanger for everyone! :slight_smile:
(I liked how they didn’t beat us over the head with “Merran goes to the beach a lot”. ← vague wording on purpose so as not to spoil anyone.)
I don’t think what happens with Cassie at the end makes a lot of sense though. Didn’t she graduate from University of Glasgow?

Right now I’m debating 1986 Australia v. 1975 England, for “no-fun time-travel opportunity” :smiley:

Agreed. In keeping with the College Confidential theme, I would have been like “I sent you to university so you can do this?!?!”

And I think technically she went to uni in Glasgow; it could have been Strathclyde for all we know.

@MYOS1634 I missed this post to me - I see that you edited it and think I read what you originally posted and didn’t know you tried to PM me. I can’t figure how how to get my profile off “private” but I will PM you. I apologize for not seeing this a week ago.

No problem :slight_smile:

But didn’t they shoot at a university that looked suspiciously like it stood in for U Glasgow (ie., old, dignified courtyard type, rather than the more modern Strathclyde)?
But yes they didn’t specify What university it was. Could have been Caledonian, or City.
Even for a Strathclyde graduate (some of the better paid graduates in Scotland due to their links with industry) this would be… odd. I hope they explain that plot contrivance.

Forgive me if this has been mentioned already, but Britbox is offering 99 cents per month for first 2 months. Sale expires midnight Monday Nov. 29. Cancel anytime. We plan to sign up for 2 months so we can watch Shetland S6 and Vera S10-11, along with whatever else we find. $6.99/month thereafter.


Thanks so much, I bought that 99 cent offer, and love so many of the shows and movies. Thanks to those on this thread who mentioned Britbox, no idea !