Binge watched tv shows

I’ve been rationing myself on the new season of House of Cards. Didn’t want to watch it all at once and have to wait a year for the next season (assuming there is another season). I’m on episode 6.

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I’m rationing, too.


This is a binge watching thread.

I am not familiar with rationing. :slight_smile:

After the season finale, my wife wanted to know when the next season starts.

There is a new season starting in Jan or Mar 2017.

@dstark I finished it about 10 days ago. No rationing for me. :slight_smile: I do find the leaps of logic in the plot take away from my enjoyment of HOC a bit.

@doschicos, logic? I thought we are watching human nature gone bad. :slight_smile:

I get the logic issues.
There is one good person on that show. :slight_smile:

I just finished house of cards yesterday too! What a great, scary season. There’s a contest to name the new baby eagles in the DC arboretum and “Frank and Claire” have been suggested. They won’t be chosen though because no one knows the sex of the babies yet.

Who is the good person on H of C? I want to say Seth but maybe you’re thinking of Tom the reporter. I don’t like him. I find myself rooting for Kathy more and more, and Claire of course!

I think the good person is Tom.

I need time to watch more before spoilers.
But you’e right, I’m not technically binging except the at-will part.

It’s a funny show @dstark, where the main characters are the bad guys but you find yourself rooting for them!

“a great, scary season” is a good way to describe the latest HOC. I watched the latest season in 2 nights: does that count as rationing?

Don’t worry about spoilers @lookingforward, there are two Toms!

@Bromfield2 - there are 4 seasons and I believe 52 episodes. You have plenty to watch!

Just started watching season 2 of Happy Valley. It was pretty disconcerting to see Molesley from Downton Abbey having a nude scene @-) ! Love Sarah Lancashire in this.

I’m flying through Nurse Jackie. Edie Falco is fantastic. Not sure why I kept passing over this series when looking for a new series to watch. Oh- and I would love to be friends with the character, Zoe! She is wonderful.

I loved nurse Jackie! So many wonderful characters. O’hara was one of my favorite and I even grew to like Coop.

I could not watch HOC. everyone was just so odious.

The second season of Catastrophe is now available – I just watched the first 3 episodes, and they’re great. Very funny.

We binge watched The Wire and Oz. Will be binge watching (again) Babylon 5 and Farscape and most of the Star Trek series.

I was stuck on the couch for a couple of weeks recently, recovering from surgery, and got to catch up on some Netflix. Watched all of Scandal, current season of HoC, and seasons 3-7 of Parks & Recreation. On D’s fervent recommendation, I started Battlestar Galactica but just couldn’t get into it.

@bordertexan Which Star Trek?

Getting ready to binge watch the last season of Game of Thrones in preparation for Season 6!!

Feel a tad guilty that I’m holding back on HoC and stopping a discussion. Scold me, if you need to.